The Meet Part 3

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August P.O.V

Man I cannot believe whats going on. Here I am talking to Keke, and telling her how much I'm sorry, and how much I miss her vise versa. Then here she is expressing her feelings of all the pain she felt for what i did to her. And my, did she make a nigga emotional or what.

Anyways after we had our little "moment " Keeks goes "August I gotta tell yuh something "

Now Im thinking to myself I know what she's gonna tell me i know it. She gon express all her love for me, and how much she's missed me, and how we gon rebuild our relationship together☺

Shawty kept on going on and on and tryna change the subject.  Almost as if she's nervous? Like I know dis girl is not nervous about telling lil ol' me something? forreal.

"You're a father"

See those three words popped out of no where, and I mean nowhere. I was a lil confused and my body anger slowly started to rise.

"Keyanna what the hell-"

I aint get to finish what I was saying, and was cut off by tht bytch ass hoe Katie. See now Katie alway had feelings for me, but i ain't really felt the same way. She was cute. I guess, but like once you get to know her true feelings you'll know that she is CRAZY.

Now she shows up then goes August, Im pregnant. Now i know this mxthafxcker lyin cuz i haven't seen her since high school yuh her mae. So she explains herself, and how she saw me at the club a couple nights ago, and that's when I remembered. SHXT! Big mistake. She also started to say a bunch of bullshxt that ain't needah be said, but I  knew it was cuz Keyanna was in the room. She then starts to explain her symptoms of "pregnancy."

Which Keyanna figured out was a lie. I got sick and tired of Katie, so being the gentleman I was  I asked Katie would she either walk out this tour bus or get thrown out this bus. She chose option 2. After that lil interruption I was back to Keyanna. So Back to where we left off *wink wink*

"Sorry i ain't mean for her to interrupt "

She nodded

"Now WTF you talking about im a father?!?!"

She looked down and then back up at me

"See after you know wh-"

"No, Get to the fucking point of how u supposively think Im the father?!"

"TF I aint a hoe like u is and sleep with everybodyy!! August for as long as you've  known me u really think Imma sleep with somebody as soon as I just got cheated on?!"

"Well how do I know that child is mine?Hmmh"

"Can U at least let me explain?"

I let my hands out to gesture to her that she can start. Then crossed my arms again as I sat on the arm of the couch.

"Okay, so after me, and you yuh know"

I nodded then sucked on my teeth

"Why can't you just say SEX it ain't tht hard"

She rolled her eyes. Of course.

"Well after we had Sex, and I saw you with Katie of course i was upset and mad at that.  Anyways a few days after I ended up puking, and started eatting more, my mama soon realized the change in me, so she took me to the doc. Well you know they figured out i was pregnant, and my ma kicked me out of the house cuz she aint raising know disobedient kid like my sister. For a few days i was homeless until my friend decided to take me in.... U know what happened. "

"So you decided not to tell me i have a child cuz u were hurt!?"

She nodded

"Selfish how tf u do tht to someone thts like me telling u i had a kid and aint wanna tell yuh shit cuz i was hurt from my pass relationship "

"That's not the same"


"It wasn't only cuz i was mad it was cuz... Nevermind"

"Tell me"

"Forget it"

"Don't make me ask you again"

"It was cuz i aint think you wanted it August i thought you'd just leave me in the dust to dry"

Her eyes started to get watery. I had some sympathy for her cuz i knew most of the people we grew up near the boys would always leave they baby mama to take care of they child themselves.

"But still Keyanna you still could've at least told me. I would never do the same thing my father did to my mama you should know that!"

"I know August, Im sorry I just didnt want to pull you down and make you have to drop all you're dreams cuz of me, Im sorry... Im sorry "

At this point she was in full tears. I walked over to where she was and comforted her

"It's ight ma at least you told me."

She nodded. I kissed her forehead and asked

"So when am i gonna meet this daughter of mine" i said smirking.

"You can meet her right now " She said


She went over to her phone and called someone. I was listening to her convo and realized she was talking to Chacha. While she was doing that I had all these thoughts in my head like what am i gonna say? Will she Like me? Does she even look like me?

"August?" keyanna see said snapping her fingers in my face

"Yeah , what's up ma?"

"Ughh Cha said she's coming now"

"Oh, okay"

"Ugh you ight "

"Hmmhh im cool"

"Alright, you nervous or something "


"WHAT, AUGUST ALSINA'S nervous about meeting his daughter" she said exaggerating

"Yeah, i wouldn't be if i knew about her three years ago"

She paused and her whole attitude change.

"Anyways what's her name?" i asked getting curious

"Well, thats for me to know, and you to find out!"

"Ohh ight i see how it is"

We were waiting outside for Chandra. Man, i hope this daughter of mine likes me.

The start of something new☺
Ayyy, fam

Sorry I took A long time to update you know school and all.

Anyways shoutout to All the people that added this book to their reading list @deaplover143, iamnandimilan

A mayor shoutout to Auuuugggiie__ she commented, voted everything that was very nice , and generous of her. Thanks for the feedback☺

Shoutout to @polariodprincess_  for voting appreciate it.

Shoutout to everyone else being loyal

Don't forget

Tell yuh niggas


Squad and


Love y'all ❤

Finding My Way:August Alsina Story #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now