Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

=Juliet's Point of View=

Watching as Andy paced back and forth unnerved me a slight bit. He'd been constantly moving for the past ten minutes, and it looked like he was thinking and didn't wanna be interrupted.

Crow sat on the sofa next to me, watching Andy as well. Andy hadn't really been talking to Crow much lately; he hadn't talked to anyone really.

He still had a lot on his mind it seemed.

"Andy, give it a rest please," I sighed, seeing as he gave a quick glance in my direction. "You're making me uncomfortable and slightly dizzy from watching you move back and forth for the past ten minutes."

Still not halting, Andy spoke.

"Gotta keep moving; he should've been here by now."

I sighed as he continued to pace, not halting or slowing down.

"Look, I know you're impatient, but could you please just sit down for five minutes?" I asked as Crow laid down on the sofa, closing his eyes; he clearly wasn't too interested in Andy's worried state anymore.

Andy halted finally, switching his gaze to me. I watched as he thought before sighing and coming over, crouching down in front of me.

"I'm sorry Juliet; just really wanna figure this all out, y'know?" he said, his gaze down as he took my hands in his and I just watched him. "It's been driving me insane for the past three months and I dunno what to do 'cause we haven't heard anything from Vic on the subject and he said he'd stop by and he still hasn't."

He sighed again and looked over at Crow who was dozing before he looked back to me, meeting my gaze but not saying anything.

It'd been a couple of months since Andy'd found out that the person who was responsible for the death of his parents could well be the same guy that was responsible for the death of Vic's brother, and he wasn't about to let that all slide. He was determined to find out who it was, and that's where Vic came in.

Seeing as Vic was a detective, Andy knew he could try to get him the information he needed, but over the past three months, there hadn't been much information for him to get, and Andy was becoming frustrated. Vic had said he'd come around today, and that was the reason Andy was so impatient; according to him, Vic should've been here by now and he still hadn't shown.

Andy sighed again and let go of my hands, standing up straight and heading out to the kitchen. Crow perked up and, seeing Andy was leaving, jumped off the sofa and followed, leaving me there. I sighed and got up, following both of them to the kitchen where Andy was.

Andy didn't even look over as I sat down next to him at the table; he just kept tapping his fingers impatiently while he waited, Crow having jumped up onto the table and sat down in front of him.

"It's just not fair," Andy complained, his focus on Crow now; looked like he was back to talking to his cat. "Why'd this have to happen? Why'd Vic have to have the same problem as I do, and in turn, make me wanna find this guy who probably doesn't even exist? If I hadn't known about Vic's brother, then I'd be able to go on with my life without having this nagging in the back of my head!"

Crow meowed at Andy in response and Andy just looked at him, that sadness back in his eyes; that look still seemed permanent.

"Yeah, but you don't have to put up with it," he said to Crow who just watched him, his tail moving back and forth. "You're just a cat; you wouldn't know."

Once again, Crow meowed in response and Andy just gave him an unamused look but didn't say anything in return. I looked at Crow who eyed me off for a few seconds before he went back to watching Andy. I switched my gaze to Andy who started playing with Crow, annoying him a slight bit.

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