Chapter 12

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❝ 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭. ❞


"Well done getting away. I'm surprised, guess you all are all-rounders," the voice laughed. Everyone's eyes rolled as they started to grow weary of the voice. "Oh come on, just speak!" SuA growled from the edge of the table.

"You've got the clues but there's nothing else to solve. Why? Because I'll be telling you exactly what it means. It isn't a clue to find your precious maknae, but it's a clue to who we are."

Everyone gasped. Was it going to be this explicit? Or was it for real? He was really just going to tell them like that? Everyone had their doubts. "Listen close because I won't repeat myself. We are the targets born in randomness, we are the so called freaks and the ones playing the tricks. But who would be hunting us targets?" he laughed. "There are people trying to take down this project. My organization is always under threat, but we have our ways."

"By kidnapping Gahyeon and giving the dirty work to us?!"

"Oh we never meant to leave you all alone to do the work. You remember Yoongi? Why do you think he visits once in a while? We're keeping you safe, we're doing our part, so you have to do your part to survive."

"So it wasn't you? The ones who attacked us?" Siyeon spoke as she crawled up at the phone on the table.

"Of course not. We need you seven in perfect condition."

"If you need us all in perfect condition, how are we sure Gahyeon is safe with you?"

Both the phone fell silent. Everyone was expecting a good answer, an alibi to prove that they weren't the "bad guys", but they knew they were. Then to disturb the silence, there was more rumbling and static from the other side of the phone.

"Unnies?! U-Unnie? Where are you?!"

Siyeon was first to pounce after recognizing the voice. "Ga.. Gahyeon! Are you safe?! Gahyeon-ah, please speak to us!"

"S-Siyeon unnie! I.. I---" A high-pitched scream followed after that. "GAHYEON?! Let her go! We're not done with her!" SuA added.

There was more distorted screaming from the other side but then a spark of opportunity to talk to their maknae came up. "Two minutes."

SuA then stole the phone. "G-Gahyeonie! Are you safe?!"

There were sounds of sobbing, sobbing they only hear in times of difficulty for Gahyeon, times of sorrow, it was not comforting to hear, nothing was anymore. "No.. U-Unnie, save me."

"We will Gahyeon-ah!" Dami exclaimed.

"Hang in there!" Handong added. The only person who has not spoken a word ever since the call started, Yoohyeon, could not say anything. Her hands were covering her mouth and her eyes were getting puffy and red. Then a sound of weeping came out from both the phone and the room. "Gahyeon, stay.. Stay calm, okay? We will come get you. We.. We will! That's a promise!"

"Unnies..," she calmed her breathing for a while, "h-help me.." Gahyeon's bone-chilling scream sounded again. Siyeon jumped at the phone again. "GAHYEON!"

"Times up."

"You said she was safe! There's nothing that indicates safety, you idiot!"

"Oh I'm the idiot?" He laughed sarcastically, but then banged a table from the other side. "Who's the one who's been keeping you safe?! If it wasn't for me, your precious leader would have been dead!"

"Oh look where that got her!"

"She isn't dead, is she? Is she?! You all are alive, even Gahyeon, isn't that true?! You should be grateful I put the gun there! I doubt you could even solve all these clues without me!" He took a breathe to calm himself. "You will thank me. Gahyeon stays with me. Until you finish the end of these clues, it stays this way!"

The call ended.

"DAMN IT!" Siyeon cursed with fists smashing on the table. "We were so close to Gahyeon!"

"Siyeon," SuA murmured.

"She was right there! We could have asked where she was! She.. She could have helped---"

"Siyeon!" SuA screamed. "We all want her back, don't you think?!" she cried. "It's not only you who is pissed by this. We have to stick together, okay?! 'Cause there's no way out," she stood up; now her tears were more visible as it squeezed out of her eyes, "we all need to stick together. Don't you see? We can't fall apart, our friendship is all right now. They're trying to crush that, but we won't let them. JiU and Gahyeon are counting on us." SuA looked at the others while putting up a serious expression. "We're finding Gahyeon, one way or another. Alright?"

Everyone's eyes were now already filled up with more tears. Yoohyeon already had her face buried in Handong's shoulder while everyone kept their face blank, speechless.

"We are finding her, and I will not accept any oppositions."

As SuA stood up to become the current leader of the five, there was still nothing much to say. Everyone grew tired throughout the day, exhausted to even wipe their tear. Handong coughed. "I think we should rest for the day. Not to be pessimistic, but we can't find her now, not today. We need to recharge."

Dami sighed, "Dong unnie's right. Your rooms are all upstairs. It's a lot to take in for the day."

The group dispersed.

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