Chapter 6

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"So tell me about your self" Mattia says with a huge smirk.The sad face he had disappeared so fast. " So my name is y/n. My birthday is December 7th 2003." I explain " I wanna hear your story" he says. " Oh ok then.. So I was born in New Jersey. I have a little sister Izabella and baby brother Axle. I'm 20 years old. When I was little-" "Come sit down next to me" Mattia interrupted as he pats the chair that's now next to him. I walk up to the chair and he pulls it out for me. I sit down and he puts his large hand on my thigh and I don't complain I just continue to tell him my story. " as I was saying when I was little I move around a lot my parents had a lot of problems. They always fought. When I was little my mom toke me and left. We moved to Florida and my dad stayed here. My mom and I struggled but we fought through it. I moved with my dad at the age of 9 with him and his girlfriend. My dad moved because he got a job in a different state and he didn't want me to move back with my mom so I stayed. He was supposed to come back the year after but never did I became depressed and got really bad anxiety . So I moved with my mom I got over all that bad stuff and became the person I am today. I worked hard to become a therapist. Then i found the one that I thought I loved with all my heart. He got me to forgot what I worked hard for and to just travel the world with him. I got tired of doing that and I left." I explain to him. Mattia seemed interested in what I had to say.
I can tell he wants to ask more so I just tell him. " When were your siblings born?" He wonders " My sister was born when I lived with my dads girlfriend. My brother he was born a year after I left." I explain. " What was your ex's name?" " His name was Alejandro" Mattia's face looked surprised. " Alejandro Rosario?" He asks " Yeah him" I say. "WAIT how do you know him?" I question him " I went to school with him" After he says that he starts to rub my thigh all over. I don't say anything because I like it.

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