Chapter 11

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"BEEP BEEP BEEP" your alarm yells. I turn over to turn it off. When I turn back over he's gone. I jump out of bed so fast I'm surprised I didn't fall. " MATTIA!" I yell as loud as I can do he can hear me. As I'm looking for him I get a phone call. "Hello, This is she, Oh! Ok I'll make sure to be on the look out. No Mr. Jamal I didn't." Then he hangs up. I can't believe Mr. Jamal would ask me if I helped Mattia get out. I check around the house but can't find him. I go back up stairs to shower and get dress when I find him. He has a knife in his hand. " What are you doing?" I ask him with my hands up so he doesn't think I'm being suspicious. " Where both gonna shower. Maybe do something else while we're in there." He has a nice big smirk on his face. "-and then you and I are going to drive to that dumb ass hospital and where gonna kill everyone there." He says with a smile big. He looks happier then a kid on Christmas. " I- um Mattia I'm not sure about that." " Why it's perfect." " How about we get ready and I take you back to the hospital." I don't think he liked my idea because he's slowly walking up to me. He puts the tip of the knife onto on my chest and digs it in a little. "You know mamas. I really like you. I want to be with you. I want you to be my Harley Quinn. I'm trying to show you ways we could do things together. But your not working with me. So to fix our problem you either A. work with me and we fall in move and run away together. Or B. I kill you. Your choice baby girl." Then he walks off to the bathroom and closes the door.

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