Chapter 16

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We start to drive to the bank so we can get out all of my and Tias money so we can move out of the US. We arrive and I walk in and then I walk out with a 2 duffel bags full of cash.. I put them in the back seat. " I'm hungryyyy." I complain. "Bae you just had dick what else do you want?" I giggle " I want Chick Fil A!" I say with a pouty face. " Whatever makes my baby girl happy." We drive to the food place we go through the drive thru and order our food and we drive off and sit in a another empty parking lot to eat. When we're done we go to a ATM and deposit a couple million dollars on my card so we can buy the plane tickets and so we can buy clothes for Tia. He has nothing. We finally make it back home and we cuddle on the couch together picking out clothes for him. I would ask him " How about these?" His response would be " Sure!" Or " Ew no what the fuck is that?" We picked out a ton of stuff and they should arrive tomorrow. Then I call my landlord and tell him I'm moving out soon after I pay this months bills. He said it was fine just as long as I pay it. So Tia and I are all ready to go. We are all ready to move to Australia. "OH SHIT we didn't buy the tickets yet." I say " Oh yeah I forgot." Tia says back. "So daddy why did you chose Australia?" " I chose Australia because there's a huge Mafia gang over there and Oscar is in it and that's what I'm going to be doing when we move." He tells me "Oh ok cool." Is my response. I put my computer down and just cuddle with Mattia while we watch a movie now. I play with his hair for a little I love how fluffy it is. I then next play with his face and rub it and kiss it. I next go down to his stomach and I kiss all over it to. That's the last thing I remember of last night I might of fallen asleep.

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