Chapter 33

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It's the next day and Tia won't stop crying and won't get out of bed. I try to get him to come on a run with me but he tells me no. I ask him to come swimming with me and he says no. I leave the house for a little because his depression is contagious. I walk to the twins house and hang out with them for a hour or two. Then I walk back home to make sure Tia hasn't done anything he's not supposed to do. I find him taking a shower. I try and open the door but it's locked.
Y/N: Mattia......Mattia.....MATTIA!
He doesn't respond.
I just hear the water running.
I go to grab a card so I can unlock the door. I come out and see him standing there with a bloody towel. I look down and it's by his thigh that's bleeding. I run up to him and move the towel. He started cutting again.
Y/N: Tia...... I thought we made an agreement.
Mattia just shakes his head and starts to cry again. I pull him close and let him cry in my shoulder.
Y/N: I have an idea. For the both of us.
How about when we get upset or worried we go to a shooting range and let it all out there instead of harming ourselves.
He agrees and puts on some clothes. We get in the car and we look up shooting ranges near us and we found one. It wasn't that far. We got there quick. We used our own guns so we didn't have to pay extra. Mattia's face went from sad to focused. He didn't speak at all during this. He keep getting in the middle which made me understand his pain even more because it's hard to get in the middle. I didn't pay for myself today. He said he was done after 10 rounds. He said he wants to go home and watch a movie. He feels better but still isn't his full self yet. So we go home and order pizza because that's what he asked for. He hasn't been eating so I didn't hesitate to order when he said he wanted pizza even though I didn't want pizza. He had his hand on my lower back. His hand is underneath my shirt. He's feeling my scars that came after I cut myself. He's counting them. I can hear him saying 20,21,22,23 under his breath. He's doing this to make sure I haven't been cutting. Which I haven't been. It also relaxes him when he does. After he counts them all he just likes the feeling of them on his finger tips. I lay my head on his shoulder and bring the blanket up closer to us. We finish the movie and he picks me up and walks me up to the room. He lays me down on the bed and gets on top of me.
Mattia: I want you to know. I'll never cheat on you. I'll never betray you. I'll never leave you on your own. I don't want to leave you at all. I want you to let me know if anyone touches you, hurts you physically or mentally. You let me know. I don't fucking care who it is. You tell me.
He hasn't been talking a lot so I just listen.
Mattia: I don't want to lose you. I lost my best friend and I can't see my family. Your my only hope. Don't leave me.
He lays his head on my chest. My eyes start to water.
Y/N: I'm not going anywhere
The tears just fall out.
Y/N: You gotta promise me you'll stay for me too. Me and the baby.
Mattia's head jerks up.
Mattia: You and who?
His tears come down faster now
My words are having a hard time coming out but I manage to say baby.
Mattia: Where...Whe....where have a baby?!
I nod my head.
Mattia lays his head back down on my stomach but pulls my shirt up before laying back down. He kisses me on my stomach.
Mattia: I'm going to love you with all my heart. Cant wait to meet you in 9 months
He's talking to the mini fetuses.
He turns to me
Mattia: damn 9 months is gonna be long.
Y/N: buts it's going to pass by fast.

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