Chapter 38

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I wake up having to pee again. So I lift Tias head of my belly and I sneak of to the bathroom. I come back and Tia is laying the other way waiting for me to lay down again so he can rest his head on me again. I get comfortable and tell him to lay back down. He moves his head back and puts his arm across my belly. We sleep in together till 1 o'clock in the afternoon. He showers and I get dressed. We start to drive to our gender reveal/baby shower. I'm wearing a white dress and Tia is wearing a white shirt and some white jeans. Where wearing all white because someone is going to shoot us with powder that will tell others if it's a girl or boy. We arrive and everyone greets us. There happy to see me and how much bigger I've grown. Everyone touches my belly even though I don't like it. But Mattia makes sure he doesn't leave my side when people do ask. We start the party and we play games and we all have a good time. Towards the end we ask everyone to submit there guess to Mattia and I.
Y/N:If you think it's a girl you have to give a bow to me and if you think it's a boy you give a tie to Tia.
Most people thought it was a boy.
Kairi was Mattia's best friend so he asked him to shoot us.
Kairi: Ok guys stand right there.
He points to the 2 X's on the floor. I stand facing Kairi and so does Mattia.
Kairi: Ok guys you all got your cameras out?
The crowd: YES
We all laugh and Mattia shakes his head.
Kairi: 1....2....
Same guy from before: THREE
and Kai shots it out and a ton of Pink goes flying everywhere. Everyone starts screaming and cheering. That guy in the back turned out to be Kevin. Mattia's other really close friend.
Kevin runs up to him and cheers for him.
Kevin: I KNEW IT
I start to laugh.
People still got us gifts even though they didn't know what the baby was. They bought us unisex clothes or just bought toys or they bought stuff for me. Mattia and I thanked everyone for the gifts. We continued to celebrate for a little longer but then it started to get late so everyone started to go home. We were the last to leave so we could clean up and help the cleaners we hired. After everything was spotless. We went home showered and watched Frozen 2 together. Mattia didn't wanna watch that but I begged and he got tired of me begging. So he got into his normal spot and drifted away to sleep.

Fast forward 4 months later on October 16 I went into labor.

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