Chapter 35

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A couple of months pass by and my belly started to grow. It gets bigger and bigger everyday. We found out the sex of the baby but know one knows yet because we're going to have a gender reveal party. That's why we canceled our celebration for mine and Tias wedding so we can plan this. Everyone was excited when we told them. Mattia is finally back to normal as well. He's been happier than I've ever seen him. Everyday he tells me how much time left we have until meet our little bundle of joy. I'm excited too. But I'm nervous as well. I've never actually raised a kid before. I know Mattia will be there to help but there's a lot he doesn't think of that I don't want our baby expose to when he/she gets older. I don't want the kid to see there dad coming home covered in blood every other day. I don't want my baby to have to see when people break in and one of us gotta shot them. There's a ton of shit that I'm worried about. My goal is to keep my baby safe with all my heart. I'll even drop out of the gang to stay home with the baby. But my biggest fear is Mattia or I mess up and then we lose our baby. I try and stay positive so I don't get Mattia back into the depression state he was in before. I don't want to make him feel like it's his fault when it isn't. I hear him walking up the stairs and he comes in with a towel cleaning off his hands.
Mattia: You ok?
His face gets sad.
Y/N: Yeah I'm ok.
Mattia: You got stuck in your thoughts?
He lays his head on my bump.
Y/N: Yeah but I'm good.
I put my hand on his head. He kisses my belly.
Mattia: I've missed you. I can't wait to meet you little one.
Mattia: Where is the baby?
I point to the spot in front of his face.
Y/N: Here
He puts his hand there and closes his eyes. He ends up falling asleep on me. I put my hand underneath his shirt and just rub his back. Then I move to his chest. I feel his heart beat. Normally it's fast even when he's calm but right now it's slow. I go back to rubbing his back and massaging his head. He toke a 1 hour nap on me till the baby kicked him right in the face. I start to laugh and he starts to act silly.
Mattia: *Gasp* I know you didn't just kick daddy while he was sleeping. Oh your going to be in some big trouble when I see you. NO BOOBIES FOR A WEEK!
He makes me laugh harder. He sees me laughing and continues to make jokes.
Mattia: Also no toys for a MONTH!
Y/N: Your so silly. ( I pat his head) Tia I gotta pee.
He gets up quickly.
Mattia: How many times do you pee a day?
Y/N: A million.
I'm done peeing so I wash my hands and go back in our room and Mattia is gone. I hate when we does this. He just leaves for no reason. I walk around the house trying to find him.
Mattia: Yeah?!
Y/N: Where are you? You left me.
Mattia: I'm in the nursery.
Y/N: Can I see it now?
Mattia: Nope.
Mattia is making the nursery for the baby. He picked out the theme outta the ones I told him I liked and is decorating the room. He wants it to be a surprise. He hasn't told me anything about it. He hasn't even said the colors. He hasn't even told me which theme he chose.
Mattia: I'll be out soon. Go put on your bathing suits we're gonna go swimming.
Y/N: I don't have a bathing suit that will fit.
Mattia: Right side of my closet underneath my new shirts.
I smile. And waddle my way there. I feel the baby kick so I put my hand over the spot it kicks. He bought me a bikini. I put it on and feel insure right away.
Mattia walks in the closet and puts his hands on my stomach.
Mattia: Who says you must be skinny to wear a bikini?
I sigh.
Y/N: Fine I'll were it.
Mattia Go downstairs in the pool I'll be there in a sec.
I walk down the stairs slowly so I don't fall. I make it down to the stairs and walk to the backyard. I put the pool settings on so it's nice and warm. I lay in one of the chairs and just relax. I find sunglasses so I put those on as well and then I just sun bathe for a good 15 minutes then I hear Tia coming.
Mattia: BB Look
I open my eyes and see my mom.

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