Chapter 8

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I'm walking down the hall back to the office to sign out. All I can think of is how great i felt when he was on top of me and how I wish we could of finished. " So y/n how was your first day?" Mr. Jamal asks. My responses is "Oh it was ok" " I told you he was crazy. Did he tell you about how he tried killing his last therapist?" My mouth opens so wide I can't even compare it to anything. " He- he tried killing them?" I ask surprised. " Yes he did. He stole one of there pens and tried to stab them in the neck." Mr. Jamal explains. " Well I hope you had a great first day. And I'm excited to see you tomorrow. Have a great night!" Mr. Jamal says happily and then walks off. " Um ok then. You too" is my response. I sign out and make sure I have all my stuff and head to Oscar so I can leave. " Have a great night Miss y/n" Oscar says. I wave goodbye to him. I get in my car, put on my seatbelt, check my mirrors and... there he is. Mattia. He's behind my car waving goodbye. Then he blows a kiss. I look away and then look back again and he's gone. Then I start to imagine what we would of done together if my dumb ass alarm didn't stop us. His soft thin lips on mine, then on my neck, the would slowly move down to the top of my bra. Next he would unzipped my pants and he would kiss the top of my panties where you can see skin. He would go back up to my neck and bit it a little. He would unzip his pants. Slid them down leaving him in just his boxers. And he would take mine of to leaving me in Panties and a bra. He would grab me by my neck and slam me up against the cold stone and he whispers softly in my ear "You sure you want this? If I give it to you... will you be able to walk to your car?..." he smiles and waits for my answer. " Yeah, I can handle the pain" I say with a smirk. He laughs, picks me up and walks to the bed and drops me on the bed, he goes to unhook my bra- " KNOCK KNOCK Miss y/n did you forget something?" Oscar yells from the other side of my window. I jump and roll down the window. " Oh sorry Oscar, I'm ok thanks for asking. I just zoned out for a sec I'll leave rn." I tell him and start to put my car in drive and I drive off.
Y/n you can't keep thinking of this guy. He's mentally insane. He's in a mental hospital. He's a killer. These same thoughts were going through my head my whole drive home.

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