Chapter 40

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It's the second day at the hospital and we have some visitors who couldn't wait the extra day.
Mattia's mafia comes in with there girlfriends. We got Kairi and Alena, Kevin and Makayla. Kobe & Roshaun are single so they act like there a couple coming to see Mattia and I. And Oscars wife died from cancer. So he came with his daughter who was 5 and the cutest. Everyone walks in and Mattia has the curtain closed so they can't see me yet because I had to feed Skylar.
Y/N: She's done hold on lemme cover up.
Mattia: See she's a great listener already.
They laugh.
Y/N: Ok they can come in now.
I see Mattia poke his head in making sure I'm covered. He pulls the curtain back and everyone pushes each other to see the baby.
Kevin: Awwww🥺 I knew she was going to be beautiful look at her parents.
Makayla: Kev we should have one. We've bend dating for 3 years now.
Kevin: I knew you were gonna say that. We'll talk later.
Y/N: Ok so everyone will be able to hold Sky. Each person gets 20 minutes to hold her than you pass her on. To hold the baby you must wash your hands and us soap
Mattia cuts in.
Mattia: Lemme say it louder for the boys WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP.
I continue.
Y/N: Then after your wash please use sanitizers and you will sit down and Mattia will pass you Sky. Who wants to go first.
Kevin: ME!
I laugh and tell him to go wash his hands with Makayla. They do what we asked and sit down. We do everyone but Kairi and his girlfriend.
Kairi: You wanna go first?
Alena: sure
Mattia passes Alena the baby to her and her nerves tense body relaxes. Sky opens her eyes to look at Alena. Everyone starts to get jealous.
Kairi: She likes you.
Mattia: A lot
Sky looks at Kairi and just stares. He does that baby talk to her and she listens for a little and then looks at Mattia. When she looks at him she smiles. Everyone starts to awe.
Kairi: We all know what her first word it going to be.
Y/N: Yeah..Hopefully the next is a boy.
Mattia: NEXT?!
Y/N: yeah.
He shacks his head
Mattia: We just had this one.
I laugh
Kairi: Alena your time is up my turn.
Mattia: she's still got 3 minutes buddy.
Alena sticks her tongue out at Kai.
Alena: I want one of my own.
Kai: Maybe.
Y/N it's worth it the only crapy part is labor and towards the end because your back pains are horrible and then you have to pee a lot but after that nothing else.
Mattia: If you have a daughter Kai it we be the best thing ever.
Alena: so what do you think?
Kairi: Maybe.
Alena gives Kai the baby and we all start talking. When everyone's done the nurse asks them to leave because visiting hours are over.
Everyone says goodbye and hugs Mattia because they can't hug me. They all says goodbye to Sky and leave.
Mattia: Damn I feel bad for Kev and Kai, now there girls are going to keep saying they want one.
Y/N: Yeah, one of them did say 3 years.
Mattia: True
Mattia sits in a chair next to me and reaches his arms out. I pass Sky to him. He grabs her and her eyes open up again.
Mattia: I wonder if she does what you do.
Y/N: What do you mean?
Mattia: When you meet someone you stare tryin to learn every little feature. I feel like she's doing that to me.
Y/N: Who knows could be. I'm really tired I'm going to take a nap. Do you wanna keep her or lay her on me?
Mattia looks at me funny
Mattia: That's a dumb question.
I roll over and fall asleep.

The end


Hi guys I just wanted to thank you all so much for reading my story. This is my first story and I appreciate everyone's feed back (good or bad)
I wanted to talk about some of the things I spoke about in this book. Y/N is kinda based of me. Her story is like mine but I did add some things that didn't happen in my life. In some of the chapters I talk about self harm. If you do harm yourself I wanna let you know that you don't have to take your pain out on yourself. It's not your fault you feel this way. I wanna let you know I love you. I may not know you but I do. I say these things because I don't see others spreading love only hate. And also I don't want anyone feeling the pain I do so I try and make others happy because I hate the was I feel. If you do feel suicidal you can call this number 800-273-8255 and if you don't want to talk to them you can definitely talk to me. I don't say others business. Another thing I talked about was body image. The way I described y/n is how i am. Brown eyes, curly hair, not white, and doesn't have that perfect body every guy wants. I'm black and Hispanic so I have curves and I have big thighs. And yes I'll be honest I'm insecure about my body. But everyone has to remember they are unique in there own beautiful way. So if you feel insecure remember I'm beautiful in my own way that no one else can be. I want you to know I love you all so much and your beautiful. And please get help if you need it. Holding all the anger and pain isn't good for you. I hope this helped you 🥺💖

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