Training Camp Day 6 Continued

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Hey guys!!! So I know I was kinda mean for leaving you on a cliffhanger last chapter so let's pick up where we left off, shall we?

"Why the hell do you have this in your bag and how the hell did you even get it!?!?" Oikawa said pulling out..............



Hinata started playing with his fingers while looking down, trying to avoid eye contact with Oikawa. "Shoyo look at me." Oikawa demanded. Hinata just shook his head. "Shoyo. Look at me. Do not ignore me." Oikawa said, his voice cracking. Hinata looked up at Oikawa slowly. When their eyes met, Oikawa burst out in tears, making Hinata cry as well. They hugged eachother until they were both calm. "Shoyo, please tell me why you have these in your bag along with everything else." Oikawa said with a more gentle tone, his voice still cracked and his throat still sore from crying.

Hinata opened his mouth to explain but nothing came out.
Tsuki walked up to Hinata and put his hoodie on the nearly naked boy. "Shoyo, babe, can you please explain to me what's going on. You are starting to worry me and I don't want you going through whatever it is alone. You can tell me. We can even go somewhere more secluded if you want and only the people that you want there will be there." Tsuki said while hugging his boyfriend, on the verge of tears.

"I think that the adults need to handle this, kids. Hinata come on. You are coming with us and telling us what the fuck we just saw." Coach Ukai snapped out.
Hinata stood up, put on some shorts and ran out of the gym. Kenma, Tsuki, Suga and Natsu started following him. "He has a problem with adults so stay away. I will tell you what I feel like you should know after he tells us. Stay away from him until then." Oikawa spoke, hatred laced in his voice. After saying that, he ran after the other 5, grabbing Hinata's bag and putting EVERYTHING back in it. (Yes he got the stuff out of the trash can. Don't worry, the trash can was empty and the Vodka bottle was plastic so it did not shatter.)

Oikawa's POV

When I finally caught up to them, I noticed we were in a park. I walked over to the 5 sitting down on the grass by a cliff, hidden behind a grove of trees. I sat down with them and we were quiet until Hinata and Natsu started crying. I held Natsu while she cried. Tsuki held Hinata while he cried. Suga and Kenma started to cry as well so we all went in for a group hug, Tsuki holding Hinata and drawing circles on Kenma's back.

Me holding Natsu and drawing circles on Suga's back. The crying stopped after about 10 minutes and it was already noon. We decided that we would go get something to eat from a restaurant and that Hinata would explain after he ate or while we were eating. Kenma lead the way to a riverside restaurant and we walked up to the front desk.

"Hey Jaycie. I need the staff table on the dock please. We have, personal matters to attend to." Kenma said to the lady behind the desk, giving her a soft smile. "Of course Kenma. How many menus do you want?" She replied with a voice as sweet as honey. "Five normal and one kids please." "Got it, love." She said as she grabbed the menus and led us to the back if the restaurant.

'Wait, did she just say love? But I thought that Kenma and Kuroo were together.'
"Here you go, Kenma sweetie." The waitress said while opening the doors to a greenhouse and setting the menus on the table. "Just ring the button when you need anything and when you are ready to order. We will make sure to knock before coming in as to not intrude on your conversation. I hope you guys enjoy the food here." She said with a blinding smile. "Thank you again, Auntie Jaycie." Kenma said.

'Oh okay. Kenma is her nephew. I got worried there for a minute.' The 5 of them sat down and started looking through the menu.

I am just going to timeskip to after they got their food. Hinata and Natsu both have pancakes with hot chocolate, Oikawa has a breakfast omelete with Sprite, Suga has a sandwich with water, Tsuki has some rice with milk, and Kenma has a bowl of cream of wheat with toast and a cup of tea (get it, because there is tea to be spilt😂😂 haha)

"I will start from the beginning. Our mother died when Natsu was just one. Our father, if you can call him that, blamed me for it and he started abusing me. I didn't care that I was abused, just as long as Natsu was safe.-" He started tearing up.

"-It was the first day of school for me in a new school because we moved out to where we live now after mom died.-" Natsu started tearing up, trying to eat as well. "-I met Oikawa and he helped me out. He introduced me to his girlfriend who, at the time, was Lily. She seemed nice at first until Oikawa got sick with a cold. She started beating me up at school and then she would act like we were best friends.-" Suga started tearing up, trying to hold back his tears.

"-When Oikawa found out, he broke up with her immediately and then we both transferred schools so that we wouldn't have to deal with her. One day, after I had just gotten whipped, Oikawa noticed I wasn't at the park where we would usually meet up at 5. He came to my house and saw me, laying helplessly on the floor while my father grabbed the whip, held onto Natsu and was about to bring it down on her. He ran over and tackled Natsu, the whip hitting him instead. My father, shocked, closed and locked the door and then walked over to Oikawa. He told Oikawa that if he said anything about what he saw, that he wouldn't hesitate to kill Natsu and me in front of him and then move onto his own family. Oikawa swore not to tell a soul and never did and never has.-" Kenma started to cry along with Suga and Natsu but it was quiet.

"-A year after that, my father left me while Natsu was only 2 and I had to take care of her by myself. I told Oikawa that he was gone but I still stayed in that house. When Oikawa went on to middle school, he made sure to drop by my house everyday to make sure I was ok. He did the same the whole time we were in middle school and even in the beginning of this year. My father came back this year because he lost his job that he had gotten in America. I started smoking in middle school, I was getting the cigarettes from a friends older sibling. I also started cutting the beginning of middle school because it was hard to take care of Natsu and myself all alone but I didn't want to ask for help.-" Tears started rolling down Hinata's cheeks as he continued.

"-The first night that Natsu came to the gym, I didn't want her going home because of my father and I didn't want him hurting her. I told her to come to the gym and that she could stay with us for practice. When Lily showed up, it scared me, making me think that it was going to start up again but thankfully it didn't. My father has always been disgustingly close with Lily. He payed her to kill my mother and frame it on me. That is why I screamed at her when I saw her that day at the training camp. Me and Natsu would sneak out of my window some nights and go to the park and sleep there. Those were the times that I was really early to practice. Me and my sister had gotten so used to sleeping on the grass at a park that me and her have gone to the park every night after everyone falls asleep. When we would get to the park, I would take a drink of Vodka that I got from my father's stash and then I would smoke a few cigarettes. I had the gun for if something were to happen while at the park. I also got the gun from under my father's bed.-"

*Knock knock knock*
"Hey guys, how are you enjoying your food?" Said the girl, now know as Jaycie as she strolled in with refils for drinks. "It doesn't look like you guys have eaten much. Not hungry? Don't like it?" She pried. "Jaycie, we are fine. We were just talking about very, emotional stuff." Kenma emphasized the word emotional and jestured towards everyone who was crying. "Oh. Sorry for interrupting. Here are your guys' drinks. I will be going now." She said in an understanding tone. When the door closed again, Hinata continued.

"-I am really scared because me and Natsu have to go back home tomorrow and if we don't, he will kill Oikawa's family and then me and Natsu and then make Oikawa his slave. I just want you guys to know that he only physically abuses me and has never tried to sexually abuse me. If it gets that bad, I will definitely tell you guys but even if my father were to be thrown in jail, me and Natsu would move in with our family on his side and they are all abusive. They would hurt Natsu as well. I am begging you guys to not say anything to anyone. Especially the coaches. Just say that the scars and cuts and bruises on my back are from surgeries and falling off my bike. The ones on my thighs are from training that I do over the weekend. The cigarettes must've been my parent's that fell in my bag while packing. The vodka is for cleaning out my cuts, to use as a substitute for rubbing alcohol if needed. As for the gun, I have it for self defense. You are going to tell the coaches that the gun isn't loaded even though it is. I trust you guys with this so please don't break that trust by not listening to me." Hinata finished. They all nodded their heads and then ate and left. It was now 5pm.

That took forever to write. I am sorry about the dark past and I am sorry if this made you cry. I was crying while writing it so... yeah. See you guys later.

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