Extra! Extra!

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Hai so um, just wanted to say happy holidays and I hope your all doing well. If not, you can always vent to me. I'm here to listen. I want to thank you guys for 20.2k views on this. I honestly didn't expect people to like it but I'm glad you all do. Also, feel free to check out my other books. I have more haikyuu fan fiction and I currently have a lot of drafts for them but I'm not going to upload until they hit 30 views and then I will publish weekly. I also do more than just fan fiction. I also have some fantasy stories as well. Feel free to check those out and it would be deeply appreciated.😊

Thank you for everyone who has stuck with this to the end. I honestly don't know where I was going with it but I guess it's good since you guys are reading it😅

I wanted to share a quote I came across in my history class. "You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to loose sight of the shore" ⛵-Christopher Columbus⛵

Even though I don't really understand what he meant by it, my closest guess would be that the shore is our past and trials that we need to get over. We have to be able to put the past behind us to move forward with our lives and explore new horizons.☀🌕🌑☀This doesn't mean to forget our past, necessarily but to move on from it. Learn from past mistakes and push forward to the person we want to become one day.

These are tough times for everybody and we all need to realize that we aren't the only ones going through stuff. Everyone has problems they are working through.

The people that are weak are NOT the people that ask for help. Asking for help means you are strong enough to realize that you can't do it yourself and have the strength to ask for help from others. ⛓⛓

Even though we are all going through tough times, we can all help each other hold the world up by being a pillar of hope for someone, a shoulder for someone to cry on, a good listener to those that trust us enough to tell is what's wrong.

We build each other up. We help make this generation stronger. But we also make it weaker. Don't be that weak link that breaks and makes everyone fall down with it. If your weak, ask for help. There are plenty people around you that can hold you up until you recover the strength to spread your wings again and soar.

We might not be able to get very far on our own. But that is why birds fly in groups, wolves hunt in packs, and there are classrooms with more than you and the teacher. You are not alone even though it may seem like it at one point.

The struggle of life is deciding HOW you are going to live it. Are you going to help all you can and build people up and be someone look up to in that sense or are you going to be someone that people look up to as an example of what NOT to do. It's your choice, your legacy, your footprints you are leaving behind.

But the thing about footprints, you want to make sure that they become a garden. Not a sinkhole. You need to make sure that the path you tread is one that someone else will tread someday and I only hope that it's in a good way.

Be the change you want to see in the world and you got this. You are strong and can overcome everything. When you feel weak or like you need a rest, lean on the rest of while you recover your strength. We can't fight your battles for you bit we can definitely lend a helping hand

I hope you all have a good day/evening/night and remember, your not alone even though you may feel like it. You are an amazing, beautiful, smart, kind, person. You are YOU and no one can change that. I love you all and thanks again for all the support. Be strong and remember to ask for help before you break. 🥰🥰🤗❤❤❣💕💞💓💗💖🧡💛💚💙💜💝💟❣💕💞💓💗💙💙💓💛💗🧡💖💖💝💗🥰

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