chapter 6

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Hey guys, I am kinda time skipping to the day before they leave for the training camp because I am just that lazy. Hinata had talked to Takeda about bringing his little sister along because his parents would be on a business trip and he was suppossed to watch her and Takeda hesitantly agreed so.... Natsu has permission to come to the training camp. Also, the only meals that the two eat are breakfast (a piece of toast) before they leave for school and maybe lunch at school if they are lucky. Anyway.... onto the story

Hinata and Natsu were playing in the park after school when the team noticed the pair. Before they could approach them, Hinata's phone rang. He answered his phone and his voice shook.
"Y-yes father?"

"Get yours and your sisters asses home before I beat them 'till there black and blue you little slut."
"Y-yes sir. We are on our way. We will be there in 10 minutes."
"10 minutes my ass!!! You will be here in 5 or you won't be able to walk tomorrow 'cause your back will hurt too much."
"Yes sir. 5 minutes it is."
He hung up. "C'mon Natsu. Hurry. 5 minutes to get home." Hinata said with a shaking voice, running off.

*7 minutes later*

"I am so sorry we are late father!!! We came as fast possible but I tripped over a rock, making the trip longer. I am so sorry." Hinata said as soon as he opened the door. He was met with a beer bottle to his head and then was dragged in the house by his hair. Natsu ran up to Hinata's room before her dad could grab her as well and started packing a bag for her and Hinata each for the training camp tomorrow.

She could still hear Hinata's screams and she could hear when the whip hit his back. She started crying while expertly moving around Hinata's room, packing clothes for a week and then went into her own room doing the same. When she was done, she brought her bag into Hinata's room, locked the door and fell asleep in the closet.

*2 hours later*

Hinata was pounding on the door of his room. When it was opened, the little girl froze in fear because her older brother was lying on the floor in fron of her with his back all bloody from being whipped. She brought him into the room and got out a backpack that she had also packed with bandages and anything she would need for taking care of him at the camp.

She took the remanants of his shirt off and poured rubbing alcohol on a rag and then started wiping the blood off of his back. He winced in pain and bit the inside of his cheek so that he would not scream. When the wounds were clean, she bandaged him up and then helped him put on an oversized hoodie.

Both siblings grabbed their bags while Hinata slipped some other things in his bag before they left through the window to sleep at the park that night. When they got to the park, Natsu layed down on the grass and curled into a ball. Hinata said he would be right back and that he was just going over to sit by one of the trees for a little to calm down. Hinata checked his phone and noticed that it was 11:00. He walked back over to Natsu and they both fell into a deep sleep.

The sleeping duo were woken up by Hinata's phone alarm going off. They both sped to the school not even eating. They hardly ever ate anyway so they were used to it. They were the first ones to arrive at the school so Hinata did Natsu's hair so she was at least somewhat presentable and then they went into the club room to change so that nothing seemed suspicious. Hinata came out wearing an outfit that could even make a straight guy go gay for him because of how he looked.

 Hinata came out wearing an outfit that could even make a straight guy go gay for him because of how he looked

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Natsu came out wearing Hinata's jersey that was a little too small for him.

Natsu came out wearing Hinata's jersey that was a little too small for him

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(Isn't she just adorable!?!?)

When the rest of the team arrived, they were surprised that the siblings were already there and Suga started to hyperventilate because of how cute his baby crows looked.

The team got on the bus and then a question that everyone was thinking came to Hinata's mind. "Ummm, Coach Ukai?" Hinata asked. "What is it kid?" He replied in a grumpy tone. Natsu held onto her brother tighter with fear. "Who is going to be at the training camp?" "Oooh. I am guessing Takeda forgot to tell you guys. It will be Nekoma, Fukurodani, Shinzen, Ubugawa, and a new addition this time, Aoba Johsai." Coach said with an upbeat tone, making Natsu relax. "Wait, Aoba Johsai? But that's where Tooru goes, Shoyo." Natsu said. "Yep. I am sooo excited to see him again." Hinata said in a sarcastic tone. "I can't wait!!!" Natsu shouted.

Time skip to Tokyo

Everyone climbed off of the bus and was greeted with Nekoma as usual. Natsu was looking around at all the scary boys, hiding behind Hinata's legs until she spotted a certain pudding haired boy. "Kenma!!!!!" She ran up and tackled him to the ground, making him drop his game. "Silly Natsu. Next time will you please tell me before you jump on me so that we don't fall on the ground again?" Kenma said with a light smile with shocked everyone.

"Wait.... Kenma you just..... you..... I..... we...... WHAT THE HELL KENMA!?!?!?" Kuroo shouted. "Yeah dude. That was like, the most you have ever said to anyone before. And you even smiled. YOU SMILED!!!" Added Inuoka. "Kenma!!!" Shouted Hinata. He ran up to him and helped Kenma up off of the ground. The two boys embraced and then Hinata started crying, shocking everyone. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down Sho. It's ok. Why are you crying?" Kenma said. Pulling away from the hug.

"I just missed you so much!! It is hard to live so far away from my best friend. I wanna play a match with you that I win." Hinata said with tears still streaming down his face. "I know. Please don't cry." Kenma said. Hinata said he needed to use the restroom, grabbed his bag and the backpack they brought and ran off. Natsu grabbed her bag and ran off after Hinata knowing why he left. Some of his scars were oppening again and if they weren't taken care of, they would bleed through his outfit, staining it.

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