Training camp day 8

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I am extending the training camp a little. It will go on for 10 days just cuz. Love you all💜💚❤

'How did this even happen. I'm the captain. I'm supposed to watch out for things like this. How did this happen. Now we can't use *bleep* as a weapon. I'm so stupid.' Daichi thought to himself while pacing around the room.

Eveyone else woke up gradually throughout the day. There was no purpose to their movements while they played volleyball. No one worked hard and no one did penalty laps. They were all slow and around lunch time, the police came back to question them more.
"We know that you guys were close to *no spoils* so we need to know more about what happened yesterday. From the time he woke up please."

"Um. Well, we don't really know much because he went out of the room after he got dressed so he could work on volleyball in the gym. It was just him there and he was in perfect condition. He was happy all day until........." "Until I cheated on him for my precious rooster. Can we go now? Please?" "Um. No. YOU may not go but the others can."

"What do you want?" Tsukki asked the officer with annoyance. "To talk to you cuz you two weeks seemed close. Follow me."

Yamaguchi's POV

'Its dark. It smells nice though. I think I smell pancakes. They are either pancakes or waffles. I want bacon. And eggs as well. Maybe some toast. What did I do yesterday? Oh yeah. I ran off to the park yesterday to cool down. Where did I go after that? I can't remember. Maybe I went back to camp? No no no. That's not right. Oh yeah. I went home and that is where I am right now. I hope Hinata is doing okay. I should probably get up now. Mom probably has breakfast ready.'

I stand up and almost fall. All the running and crying yesterday must have given me a headache and made me dizzy. I put on some sweatpants and one of Tsukkis hoodies that he gave me in the beginning of the year. It's big and smells like him but that is what I like. I have had a crush on Tsukki since he helped me with the bullies when we were younger.

At first I thought it was weird to have a crush on your best friend especially if they are the same gender but as seen with the whole team, it's not. I was planning on confessing to Tsukki before I found out that he WAS in fact dating Hinata but that he cheated on him with KUROO.

When I get downstairs, I give my mom a huge hug and a kiss on the forehead. "I missed you mama." I say and then start crying. 'This isn't real. I need to wake up. I am still at the training camp and Tsukki doesn't like anyone but me. I am going to confess to him and he will say he loves me back and we will be happy. This CAN'T be real because I watched as the light left her sickly gray eyes while she was lying in the hospital bed saying her last words and taking her last breaths. This isn't real. I NEED TO WAKE UP!!' I screamed at myself.

"Tadashi?" My mother's sweet, soft, gentle, loving voice spoke. "Why are you crying? You have to be strong and push through. I'm not ready to see you again so tell Kei how you feel. I love you so much but now is not the time. Please, return home." She said, not looking at me. I stood up, hugged her again knowing I am going to miss this and then walked outside.

When I opened the door, I was met with a blinding white light. I squinted my eyes to keep it  from overwhelming me. I could hear screaming, beeping, and crying. I felt like I was being re-born until someone screamed, "He's awake. Some one get the doctor immediately." The voice then directed itself to me. Something cold and wet grabbed my hand and squeezed. I tried to squeeze back but I couldn't move.

"Tadashi. You woke up. Can you tell me how you feel?" I can only assume the doctor asked me. I couldn't open my eyes so I just left closed. "M-o-m" I managed to say from the pain I'm in. Everything below my neck I can only feel partially and everything below my waist feels like it is being stabbed repeatedly but I can't move it. It seems like my neck is in a brace. "Mom? Is that what you said?" The doctor asked. I only manage a small grunt.

"Do you know where his mother is?" The doctor asked the person sitting next to me. "U-p. Hea-ven." I squeak out. "Do you mean she is no longer in the living world?" I nod my head slowly in reply to this. "I s-aw her." I manage before everything goes black and I fall into a deep sleep.

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