Training Camp Day 3 Continued

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During a timeout, Tsuki walked up to Hinata and Natsu and sat by them. "How is your, uh, ankle?" Tsuki asked Hinata. "It is doing a lot better. Thank you for help me out this morning, Tsuki." Hinata said, giving Tsuki a huge smile. Tsuki just nodded and then slowly moved his hand over so that Hinata and Tsuki were holding hands. When the whistle blew for everyone to go back to the court, Tsuki looked at Hinata and then mouthed, "I love you shrimp." Then gave him a kiss on the forehead when no one was looking. Tsuki then went back to the court, leaving Hinata in a blushing mess.

"Yo, kid. Are you ok?" Ukai said as he saw Hinata with a really red face. Hinata shook out of his daze and just nodded. Natsu gave Hinata a notebook and pencil so that he could write down some notes. Natsu went over to Kiyoko and Yachi to help keep score. While Hinata was writing something down, the pencil dropped on the floor and rolled under the bench. Hinata bent down to pick up the pencil but fell off the bench and screamed.


I had just jumped to block a spike from someone on Ubugawa when I heard Hinata scream. Me and Natsu ran over to Hinata and he was laying on the floor in front of the bench. "What the hell happened?" I asked him, worried. "The pencil fell so I bent down to get it but..... yeah." He replied. I could tell he was on the verge of tears. By this time, everyone was crouded around us.

Natsu grabbed a backpack and then ran in the direction of the nurse's office. I picked up Hinata bridal style and carried him out of the gym. "I think that when I bent over, I re-opened one of my scars and I just fell. It hurts so bad." Hinata said, crying into my shoulder. "Hey, babe, calm down. I will get you taken care of. Don't worry." I told him, kissing him on his head afterward. "What the fuck happened and where are you taking Hinata!?!?" Suga yelled from behind my back.

"I'll explain." Hinata mumbled. "When he fell, he twisted his ankle even more and says that it is hurting really bad even with nothing touching it so I am taking him to the nurse's office. Go ahead and put someone in for me. I don't think I will make it back in time to finish the game." I cut Hinata off and then continued walking to the nurse's office, ignoring Suga calling out to me.

"What did you do that for? I could've told Suga about the scars from surgery. Now he is going to be suspicious." Hinata said with anger laced in his voice. "You know for a fact that if you told Suga, he would tell Daichi, Daichi would tell coach, and then you wouldn't be able to play at all so you should be thanking me right now." I spat out at him.

"Oh. Hehe. I didn't think about that. Well, thank you Kei." I turned into a blushing mess when he called me by my name. That is the first time he has done it. 'Dammit, why do you have to be so cute. Now it is going to make it harder on you. I am such an idiot. Ehh. At least Kuroo doesn't care.'

When I got to the nurse's office, I set Hinata down and we repatched his wounds. This time, Natsu used skin glue on some of his scars so that hopefully they would stay closed. We stayed in the nurse's office until the glue dried so that he could put his shirt back on to cover his back. I put him on my back while we went back to the gym and when we got there, Ubugawa had just scored the last point, making them win. The team went in for penalty laps and I was happy that Hinata didn't have to.


I was trying to sleep when I heard whispering. I looked over to where the sound was and I saw Hinata and Natsu leaving with the backpack and Hinata was holding a smaller bag in his hand.
I decided to follow them and they were heading to...... A PARK!?!?!?
I watched them for a little from behind a bush and then I saw Hinata pull something out the smaller bag he was carrying. Natsu went over to play on the swings and then Hinata did the most unexpected thing ever. 'WHAT THE HELL!?!?!??!?'

Sorry for the cliffhanger. Thank you for anyone who is reading this. Have a good day/night

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