Training Camp Day 2

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Hinata woke up to his phone going off. "Wake up Natsu. We have to get back to camp." Hinata said in a rush as he shook his sister. "Morning Onii-chan!" Natsu said as she stretched out and yawned. They grabbed their stuff before running back to camp. When they got back, they showered and got ready for they day, Hinata, making sure that he didn't smell like smoke from last night. He went into the bathroom and pulled out his pocket knife from his bag and started cutting his upper thigh, the scarlet colored blood, running down his legs. He cleaned up his fresh cuts and bandaged them then went to wake up everyone else.

Natsu walked into the room after getting dressed to help her brother wake up the other highschoolers. They looked at eachother and smirked then "WAKE UP!!!!" They both yelled in unison and then Natsu started jumping on them to wake them up while Hinata opened the curtains.

"Ughh. Couldn't you have found a nicer way to wake us up, dumbass?" Kageyama snapped. "I will when you find something nicer to call me, baka." Hinata retorted with his arms crossed over his chest. Hinata and Natsu walked out of the room once everyone was awake and they went to the gym to get changed and start stretching so that no one could see the scars.

When the rest of the team got there, Hinata noticed that Lily was with them as well. Natsu had to help Hinata hold back the urge to slap her across her pretty little perfect face. "It's not fair Natsu!!! How come she gets to be here when mom should be here too. It's not fair!!!!" Hinata yelled through sobs, while Natsu was holding him back best as possible for her little body. Oikawa noticed what was going on and went to help Natsu hold Hinata back.

The whole Karasuno team and the others in the gym were frozen with shock. Hinata was kicking and fighting to get out of their hold but Oikawa picked him up and slung him over his shoulder. Hinata was kicking Oikawa in the stomach while punching his back, crying and screaming. Oikawa walked out of the gym with Natsu following behind him. Oikawa layed Hinata down on the bed in the nurse's office and gave him a popsicle to cool him down.

"Shoyo, you can't just act like that especially in front of everyone else. You only ever acted like this when...... no. He isn't back, is he?" Oikawa inquired. Natsu and Hinata both shook their heads no.
"Okay. Good. When we go back to the gym, you are going to apologise for the outburst and you will play like you normally do." Oikawa said sternly. Hinata just nodded his head vigorously.

When they got back to the court, Hinata apologized and played the games with more power because he was letting his anger out on the volleyball and during the games. When the games were over, Hinata and Natsu ate their dinner in a corner of the room away from others. When everyone was asleep, they snuck back out to the park and fell asleep under the stars like the night before.

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