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I lowered my head and ran for the taxi, the paparazzi and reporters screaming at me, always wanting me to say something. What could I possibly say? Less than a month after Tai and I won Love Island, he left me for someone else. I won the money, but I stupidly believed him when he told me he loved me. I had decided to share the money instead of keep it for myself. Now that I look back on it, even Seb seemed to try to tell me something was off with him. I just wished he would have just said what he was hinting at instead of dancing around the truth. Seb had been my best friend since day one in the Villa. Truth be told, I would have chosen him that first day if AJ hadn't already picked him first. He pretty much immediately 'friend zoned' me, so I gave up on my hope that we could have been something more than friends. There had been times when we were alone that I thought maybe he felt something more for me, but then Viv and Tai happened.

Genevieve was sweet and kind. She was totally not the kind of girl Seb was used to being attracted to, but when the show ended she walked away with his hand in hers. My heart still ached a bit to think of him with someone else, but I tried so hard to make myself believe in the love Tai was selling me.

"McKenna, can we get a comment on Tai's new relationship? Are you surprised he's left you for Lily? You seemed to be a bit suspicious of him and Lily in the Villa, could you see this coming?"

Reporters threw questions at me from every direction. I stayed quiet. As much as I wanted to tell the public just how big of a dick Tai was for using me the way he did, I just didn't have the energy at the moment. I was drained, both mentally and physically. The last few weeks had been some of the hardest I'd ever known. Finding out Tai had used me and lied to me from the moment he walked into the Villa, then Seb ghosted me almost as soon as we got home, and now everyone in England thinks I'm the biggest idiot to ever roam the Earth. I just needed to escape everything that was going on in London, and I let my heart guide me to where I knew would find someone who would listen without any judgement. At least I'd hoped they would.

"Where to, miss?" the taxi driver asked when I slammed my door shut. I lowered the hood of my coat and wiped at the tears on my cheeks.

"Euston Station please," I sniffled, not looking up to meet the taxi driver's eyes. He didn't ask any more questions, he simply nodded and headed to the train station. I quickly paid the driver and made my way inside, grateful the press hadn't followed me here. I wore my sunglasses until I got up to the ticket counter. I lowered the frames and looked at the lady behind the counter. I could tell she was trying to figure out where she recognized my face from. My heart started pounding in my chest and I could feel myself beginning to panic. I saw it, the recognition that she knew who I was. I expected her to announce it to everyone within hearing distance, but suddenly her soft brown eyes went from wide surprise to understanding and compassion. She leaned forward and whispered to me.

"Tai is a wanker for what he did." I gave her a small smile in return.

"Thank you. I totally agree." She looked around to make sure no one was paying us any attention.

"Where did you want to go?" I bit my lip and I could tell by the look on her face, she knew I was nervous about telling her since she knew who I was. "I won't tell anyone. I know the press has been all over you the last few weeks. You don't deserve that." I looked at her and tears stung my eyes. I reached across the counter and grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Thank you." She returned my smile and squeezed my hand in return.

"You don't have to thank me for being a human being, love." She winked and looked at her computer screen. "Now, where did you want to go?"

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