Chapter 1: Reincarnated thanks to a Shitty god

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I woke up in a strange white space.

I don't really remember much, but I think I was on my way home from school when I heard a loud thud, then everything went black.

When I turned my head around, I saw a strange figure? Is that the best term for it? Maybe silhouette?  He... err... It?  was a humanoid shape, but it was all yellow and glowing.

Then it began talking to me.

The conversation was rather long and dull. So I'll summarise it.

Basically, I died.

A rock hit me on the head by some random kid who threw it, and apparently the kid got scared and ran off, leaving me dead center of nowhere with no one there. So I bled to death.

Oh, and the person I'm talking to is a god, apparently.

I was a little skeptical, but I can't deny that where I am is not very normal.

From what the god said, he basically was in charge of a new world that's in the middle of developing still.

He also told me that Earth has a different god looking after it, though he had a rather annoyed face as he whispered something along the lines of "why that girl!" But I couldn't hear him properly.

Oh, this god is apparently male, and is named um, something very long with a lot of profanities thrown in, so I'll just call him god for now.

I'm getting a bit off topic, but there was a lot of information thrown my way, like how gods exist on different planets and what a god means in reality and other things like that.

Since it'd be pretty long, I'll just cut out the parts about godhood and himself (He's quite the narcissist).

The main parts of the conversation are: 

1. I died (I already said that)

2. god is going to reincarnate me to this new and underdeveloped world, because he needs to fill the population to allow it to grow.

3. The world I'll be reincarnating to has humans, but they've only gotten to the cave man stages so it's high unlikely for me to converse with them.

4. Three leads into four, which is rather than reincarnating as a human, he'll let me reincarnate as anything I want. Since magic exists in this unknown world, it'll be fine for me to choose any form I want.

Apparently, magic hasn't been discovered yet, but the god says he gave the world magic so I guess it's true?

That raises a few questions about Earth, which I asked.

Seems the previous God of Earth decided magic was too dangerous for the planet and took it away.

Well, they weren't wrong.

Anyway, since I don't really have any reason to go back to Earth (My parents are dead, and I was held back twice) then it's probably fine for me to reincarnate.

Not only that, but magic sounds like quite the interesting thing to try out, right?

Well, I say that like it's some sort of toy, which it clearly isn't.

Anyway, after thinking and discussing it with the god for a while, I decided on being a dragon.

Apparently, monsters like those are, or should I say, are planned to exist.

The world is apparently still in its first blooming period which basically means there's little life that exists.

Considering his explanation on how gods were beings that rose godhood on the planet they govern, it's weird to think that this single god managed to become a god on such an underdeveloped planet.

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