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I could feel Scarlet staring at my face and I instantly remember what happened yesterday.I open my eyes and grin when she blushes.I feel so complete and happy with my mate.I hope we can savour this moment a little longer.

I guess my hopes and dreams aren't meant to come true.Jason and Issa walk in hand in hand.I growled feeling irritated and rolled on Scar covering her naked body.She chuckles probably laughing at my irritation.

"Issa can you please tell me exactly why you and your mate decided to interrupt us in the morning."I had my head in her neck so I could calm down a little.

"Well we were wondering if you two would like to go on a double date."I won't say that I am suprised that was suggested.I am pretty sure it was Issabella's idea.She used to talk about how when we are older and with our mates we would go on double dates.

"Well thank you and we will think about it,but could you guys get out cause we are currently not dressed appropriately for visitors."Jason immediately left with Issabella trailing behind him.I look at our current position and I could feel little Alex coming out to play.

"Alex we should get up.We have stuff to do today anyway.Besides I got a daylight race in two hours."Is she serious.I thought she would quit racing since she didn't need the money.I don't really like it when she races she could get injured or worse killed.

"Why are you still racing.You don't really need the money."She nods.

"I know Alex it's just that it's more than just money.I love the rush the sense of belonging and the adrenaline."I nod and draw circles on her hip.I guess I can never really understand why she still races.

She gets up pulling the sheet with her and blushes when she sees the proof of her lost virtue on the sheets.I know girls find it embarassing when a guy sees that,but I think that is just a reminder that she trusted me enough to give me something special to her.

"It's okay Scar I will dispose the sheets myself.Its nothing to be embarrassed of though."She nervously chuckles and quickly walks to the bathroom.

I decide to make some breakfast while she showered.I put on some sweatpants and walked downstairs.I decided to make some waffles.While I was making some breakfast Scarlet walks in the kitchen.I grin widely when I see her.I am glad she is fully mine now.

So how are you feeling.

She blushes and I have a feeling it has something to do with my thoughts.I don't necessarily have the most innocent mind.

"I feel great and complete.I am glad that we completed the mating ritual."I grin and walk up to her.I wrap my arms around her waist holding her firmly against my chest.I inhale her minty vanilla scent.

"I also wanted to tell you that in a week we are having the Luna ceremony.My mother is already helping with it and was wondering if you have time to go dress shopping today before you go to the race."She nods smiling.I hope she cancels that race of hers.

We eat the waffles and joke around a little.I feel very lucky to have Scarlet in my life.I never would have thought I was going to find my mate.I am glad she came before I could be with Genevieve.

"So Scar if we were to have pups what would we name them."I can't wait till we start our own family and have pups running around the house.

"I would probably name the girl Alexis and the boy Jayden.What do you think?"Well I would also like to name the boy after my late father.

"How about we name the girl Alexis Summer and the boy Jayden Martin."She nods excitedly.We were so focused on our conversation that we didn't see mom standing at the door looking very shocked.

"I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDMA." Oh no. I love my mom,but she can be very enthusiastic about having grandchildren.I hope she doesn't start planning the nursery when there is no baby.

"No Momma.Scar is not expecting yet.We are just planning for the future."She looks sad,but nods either way.She walks up to Scar and holds her shoulders looking right into her eyes.

"My baby.You will need more names.I am not having just two grandbabies."Although I love my moms suggestion I don't think it's time for that yet.

"Mom."Mom chuckles and walks out the house looking very pleased with herself.I look at Scar who looks at me and we burst in laughter.Even though that was pretty intimidating it was however very amusing.

We decide to spend the day in till we will have to get ready for the double date.I am not really excited for the double date.I just want to spend some alone time with my mate and make love to her thoroughly.

We cuddle on the couch and watch some shows.We spend most of the time talking though.I love how we get to know more and more about each other everyday.

Finally it was time for us to get ready for the date.We decided to get dressed in the same room,besides there is nothing I hasn't seen before.

I take a quick shower and got dressed.I decided to wait for Scarlet downstairs.

When she walks downstairs I look at her outfit and pull her closer.I kiss her neck where there is my mark.I could tell from from a mile away that she doesn't like the outfit she is wearing.Its nice to know that she is trying to impress me though.

"Scar even though you look good in that dress.You can go wear your jeans I love you either way."She blushes when I give her a knowing look.

"I love you too babe.I will go get out of this horrible thing."She walks back upstairs to get dressed.

After a few minutes she walks back downstairs.I look at her outfit and nod."I like this outfit more.It shows the real you,the Scar I love.The one I raced."

She chuckles tries to hide her blush with some of her hair.I see through her and grin.We walk hand in hand to my car and find James and Issa making out by the car.I am happy that my sister found her mate,but I didn't need to see them making my nieces and nephews.

I am going to have some bad nightmares.

Hey guys.

I am finally glad that our country is currently in level 1.I have been  waiting for this day and it is finally here.

How has lockdown affected you?
Is your country still in lockdown?

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