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I was getting worried.I went to the office so I could finish off some work and I left Scar at the guest houses.How come she hasn't came back home yet.

Alpha the Luna is at the clinic.

What the hell is going on.I quickly sprint to the clinic and the nurse shows me the room she is in.When I get there I am relieved when I see that she is not injured,but she is however sleeping in those uncomfortable chairs next to an unknown little boy.

I picked her up and sat on the chair.She cuddled into me for a while before her eyes opened.She looked around for a while and I saw her sigh in what I could say was relief when she saw that the little boy was sleeping.She pulled me into the hallway and slowly closed the door behind her.

"Alex this little boy was chased by vampires into our pack.His father hits him and tells him to go look for his mother when she is cheating on him with other males.I don't know how he survived all that.I-I thought I was worse but......he was abused."I pull her close to me trying to comfort her as she holds me close.

"Well then let's go in there so we can be here when he wakes up and then he will tell me what happened.Then we will take it from there okay?"She nods and we walk back in.I mindlink the guards to bring an extra bed so we can sleep in it.As soon as they brought the bed and sheets I pulled Scar to me.

She quickly fell asleep and I soon followed.

I woke up and found Scar talking to the little boy who was grinning widely.I sat up and they both looked at me.The boy froze looking at me skeptical of my intentions.

I sit next to Scar and kiss her temple.I look at the boy and smile softly.

"Hey buddy.Whats your name?"He smiles a little and scoots closer feeling a little more comfortable.

"My name is Bradley."I hear Scar chuckle at his confidence.He seems very comfortable around Scar.

Please bring bacon and eggs for me and your Luna.

"Hey Bradley what do you wanna eat."His eyes instantly light up.

"WAFFLES!"I chuckle and nod.

And bring waffles with syrup for little Bradley.

Yes Alpha.

I get to know Bradley more.His favourite colour is sky blue,because he feels calmed by seeing the sky reminding him that he made another day alive.I learned that this child has been through alot and I respect him for his bravery.

The maids bring the food and we eat in peace.Brad scuffles down all the food and drinks his apple juice.He reminds me of how I was when my father died.I was starving myself and I was in a dark place,but nothing I went through could compare to what he went through.

When we were done eating the doctor discharged Brandon.We took him to the house and I asked one of the guards to buy him some formal kind of clothes and he was going to get ready with me while Scar got ready in another.

While we were getting ready the little guy needed to go potty so I went with him to bathroom.When we got there and he was done I was about to walk out when he pulled me back in.

"Can I please ask you a question."I nod and crouch down to his size.He looked nervous and scared.

"A-Are y-y-you going to be my d-daddy?"Well that's a suprise.I have thought about it and I guess why not.I just have to talk to Scarlet first.

"I have to talk to my mate first and I will tell you.However we can be one big family okay."He nods and grabs my hand pulling me back to the room.I fell in love with this child when I heard all he has been through.

The Alpha's Racer.(editing)Where stories live. Discover now