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When I woke up Alex was already at the pack office.He was probably planning what we are all going to be doing today.I look at the cots next to me and see that the twins are awake and somehow Storm jumped into Rains cot.

"Hey babies."They were playing with toys which either Alex put in there or Storm put them in there when she went in.I have some clever babies.

I take the twins with me to the bathroom.I wash my teeth and face.I then brush Storms teeth then Rains teeth.I then wash their faces.

I dress Rain in pink tights and a pink cute white vest.I dress Storm in a similar outfit the difference is that her tights are purple.When I'm done dressing them I put them on their playing mat and get dressed in a black loose jumpsuit.

"Come on babies.Lets go show you how it goes."I put them in their stroller and walk out toward the pack house.When I get there I find Amber with little Florah.Florah was most cutest baby ever.

"Hey Amber how are you with little Florah here."Florah squeals and giggles.

"Well I am tired.This little one didn't let me sleep last night."I chuckle as Amber gives me a playful glare.

We both walk to the meeting hall.When we get there we find some pack members already there.Some were talking among themselves while others look a little nervous.

Alex finally walks in with Gray.Sensing the powerful aura of their alpha everyone calms down.

"Thank you everyone for showing up.We have an announcement.The war date has brought closer as you all know and we need to prepare for it.So children from infant to fourteen will be with the elders who are going to hide in the safety room and the other kids will be training with me and your luna.The ones who will be fighting from us is from eighteen years to thirty five years."

Everyone separates into the different age groups.I take half of the ones that need to be trained and go to the field.The twins are with the elderly women so I am not worried.When I get there I realise that the girls look a little worried,but as always there is hat girl who is acting a little too confident.

"Okay we gonna start by warming up so I want you guys to skip ropes till I tell you to stop."One girl rolls her eyes and they all start skipping.

"Can we please do something serious.I mean I know you can't train teenagers,but do we seriously need to do this."It look at the girl who is giving me a dating glare.How a many times do I have to deal with girls like this I mean I thought women unite together not go against each other.

"Okay since you feel like you can do better so jumping squats."(I'm not sure if that's what you call those squats where you jump and land into a squatting position.)

She does ten and I could see that she was getting tired.She gave me a pleading look when she got to fifteen.I'm pretty sure at this point her legs and thighs burn.The others are still skipping but they keep on glancing at her and some chuckle.

"Is that good enough for you?"She nods quickly.I gesture to her for her to go back to skipping.She mutters a low 'thank you luna' and goes back to skipping.After an hour of everyone skipping I can tell they getting tired and I tell them to rest for five ,in uses and drink loads of water.

When they all come back we start on training with weapons and combat training.I feel so proud of them.They are really good at everything I can already see a few future warriors.Like Sam,the boy can throw a knife like it's nothing and he is really good at combat fighting.

I'm thinking of recommending him to Alex.Hopefully he'll be the Gamma.But it might be a little hard to get him to be Gamma since the current Gamma has a daughter who was going to take over.

I'm really nervous for the war tomorrow though.I just hope everything goes well and we finally get to have a peaceful life.

"LUNA!LUNA!THERE IS ROUTES AT THE SOUTH BORDER!"As soon as I hear those words I run to the south border and when I get there I find routes and at the front was Adam and Genevieve.She looked really good though in the leather jumpsuit.I knew she felt jealous I mean jumpsuits are my signature style.

"We are here to inform you that during the war weapons are allowed there are no rules at all."I look at Adam trying to read his mind and what I hear makes me feel more confident we going to win.Unless he knows my powers and is fooling me.

Hi Scarlet I can tell you reading my mind so I want to ask you are you sure that your mate hasn't been cheating I mean he could've hid that by making sure you can't feel it on your neck.

I make sure my emotions and facial expression looks like I'm being doubtful and believing what he is saying.I know his strategy I have tried it may times on racers I knew.

I can tell he thinks his plan is working.When Alex shows up and he stands next to me He tries to hold my hand but I pull it back for special effect.I see Adam grin at the action.

"Well we will be going now.Tomoroow as soon as it hits Ten o clock in the morning the war shall begin.Ciao."They walked away and as soon as they were out of sight I hugged Alex.

"Why did you pull back even I tried to hold your hand?"I kissed his cheeks and nose.

"Cause Adam wanted me to think you are cheating and I was just playing along so he thinks his plan is working."Alex nods and we walk back to the pack.

Now it's time to prepare for the war.They won't know what hit them.

Hey guys

I know I have been apologising alot,but I really am so sorry.And I want you guys to know I'm very grateful you guys support me.

I love you guys❤


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