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As soon as we got home I was nervous of what is to come.I have gotten closer to Alex than ever before and that makes me happy.Today people are finishing the preparations for the Luna ceremony.I am a nervous wreck.I can't wait to officially be connected to the pack they are like my family already.

"Babe there will be Alpha's and Luna's coming tomorrow to settle in."I am currently sitting on Alex's lap as he does some pack work on his computer in his office.

"I will go now to tell the maids to get the guest houses ready for them."I was about to stand up when Alex holds me tighter.

"Stay a little and we will tell them tomorrow morning."That would be a good idea.However there are going to be packs that come early.

"Nope babe we have all night to cuddle.I am going to tell the maids and you are going to sit here and finish your work.I promise that tonight we will have some fun."He growls a little when desire swirls in his eyes.I chuckle and walk away and before I get out the door I turn back and see that he has a bulge in his pants that he is trying to fix.

"Just imagine my brother naked or take a cold shower."He groans as I laugh and walk out his office.I walk to the pack house and ask the guards to call the maids to the living room.When they walk in they all bow and sit down.

"Afternoon everyone as you know there will be Alpha's and their mates here tomorrow.I need you guys to clean and make sure the rooms are ready for them."They nod and I feel like I was being too professional so I decide to help them.

"Oh and I will be helping you to show that I am grateful for your work here and I respect you as much as you guys respect me.You all can introduce yourselves.I am Scarlet and I want you guys to call me by my name.Okay?"They nod and I see most of them looking at me with appreciation and pride.It made me and my wolf feel like we accomplished something great.

I went to the first house and helped there.I decided to check know the other houses and was satisfied when I saw that they were all perfect.I just had to go to the store so I can stock up the houses with some food.I just wanted the Alpha's and Luna's to feel at home since they are going to be here a while.

I walked back to Alex's office so I can tell him that I am leaving.When I got to his office I saw him talking to a women who looked like she was trying to flirt with him.Who the hell does she think she is.

"Hey babe.I am going to the store.Wanna tag along?"Alex looks relieved and nods.The women glares at me and I decide to greet her anyway.

"Afternoon ma'am how may I help you."She smirks and looks at Alex.

"I was just here to see my mate Alex."I laughed and she just looked at me like I am crazy.

"I'm sorry your what.I am his mate and we have two beautiful children so I suggest you drop your lying and walk away."She looks embarrassed and angry as she stomps away.Alex chuckles and pulls me closer to him.

"How come I am unaware of our beautiful two pups my beautiful little mate."I blush and playfully glare at him as he laughs.

"I will deprive you of kisses if you don't stop laughing."He immediately stops as I laugh.

He pushes me against the wall and pampers my neck with kisses.I push his chest before we go far.

"Come on we need to go get the groceries."He groans and I pull him to the car.I drive to the supermarket and we walk hand in hand.We get the stuff we need and I squeal when I see mint chocolate.

"OMG OMG!I need some mint.I have been craving some of this."I ignore Alex's chuckles and grab as much chocolates I can and throw them into the cart.I am what people could say a mint junkie.I live for mint.

We pay for everything and leave.When we get to the pack we ask the males help with placing the food in each homes.When we were done we told everyone they could go rest since it was late.

I walked back to check on the houses again and I was satisfied when I was saw that they were all ready.When I was walking back to the pack house I heard some shuffling and a small whimper.

I walked quietly to the sound and when I got there I felt my heart break when I saw a little boy.He was whimpering and shivering.I picked him up and pulled him to my chest.

"What happened to you little baby.How did you end up here?"I jog to the pack clinic with the child in my arms.When I get there the doctors take him for a check up.I was actually nervous.

"Luna we checked up the boy and he is just dehydrated and exhausted.He just needs some food,water and plenty of rest."I nod and quickly walk to see the poor boy.When I got in he was whimpering looking scared and confused.

"Hey little boy.My name is Scarlet and I will not hurt you.Can you tell me who you are?"He looks sceptical at first,but the he sits closer to me.

"M-my n-name i-i-is B-Bradley"I nod.

"Okay Bradley can you tell me how you got here?"He whimpers and I think there is something happening.

"It's okay you don't have to tell me now.You can tell me when you are ready."He nods and I pull him in for a hug,but stop when I hear him hiss.I lift his shirt to see bruises.It looked like someone was hurting him on multiple occasions and he hasn't shifted so he can't heal fast.

"Father used to punish me for stealing bread."I gasp and wonder what the hell happened to this little boy.

"What do you mean little one."He gets comfortable on the bed.

"He doesn't let me eat unless I went out and found mother.She would go and play with other men and father would make me look for her."I gasp.How could someone do this to a little child.

"So how did you get here."He plays with my hair.

"I was looking for Momma when I saw that she was playing with a man who was biting her neck.She then slept and the man wanted to bite my neck,but I ran and then I remembered father told me to run through the garlic if I was followed by a blood su-sucking man."

Oh so a vampire drank the mothers blood.I thought vampires were extinct.

"Okay.How about you get some sleep and we will talk tomorrow."He nods and I tuck him in.I couldn't leave him here so I sat in the chairs and fell asleep.

Hey guys.

If you guys want to ask some questions,ask away😊.

Love ya'll.

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