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I drank the herbs Destiny just gave me and immediately felt a sense of drowsiness sweep into me.I laid my head on Alex's chest and fell into a deep sleep.I could feel myself sweeping into dream land.

"Scarlet!Scarlet!"I look behind me and I couldn't believe that I was looking at my mother.She looked different.She looked more carefree and young.

"Mom?"I couldn't stop myself from running into her arms.Although I feel a little betrayed by her I am happy to see her again.

"I'm so sorry my baby I didn't tell you."I sob into her chest missing the warmth her hugs gave me.

"Why mom why?"She wiped away my tears and gave me a sad smile.

"Before we go there I have to tell you where my grand babies are at."I nod and gather myself up.She then shows me an orb and I could see my babies in a bed crying.There is a women trying to make them stop,but I know they won't till they see either me or Alex.

"Where is this mom?"She shows me a map and my heart speeds up when I recognise the hotel room.Why would Alex's twin brother hide my babies from me.

"Go get them and next time you come here I'll explain everything."I nod and she kisses my temple.I feel myself falling back into consciousness.

I wake up and look around for Alex.I find him sitting next to the bed with his head in his hands.

"Alex."He quickly looked up and hugged me as soon as he saw that I'm fine.

"You have been asleep for four hours I was getting worried."I give him a reassuring smile.

"I know where our babies are kept."He quickly sat up.

"Where?Are they close?Far?Where?"I rub his back trying to calm him down.

"Relax they are in your brothers hotel.I just want to know why he didn't tell us he has them."Alex didn't waste time in getting up.

"I am going to get them."I get out of bed quickly getting dressed so I could tag along.We both walked to his car and got in.

Alex rushed to his brothers hotel.When we got there we didn't waste time.We ran to the hotel room and Alex kicked the door down.The sight in front of me made my heart stop for a moment.

"What the hell!"I looked at Alex's brother being payed while the twins were handed to Alex's uncle who was banished from the pack.Xander looked shocked and scared a little.

I ignored them and immediately went to my babies.I felt relieved when I saw that they were unharmed.I could feel my anger channeling my gifts.All I want to do was kill the two men in front of me.

"Alex,Scarlet it's not what it looks like I swear."I felt the ice forming under me.I could see the two men slipping from the ice under them.

I quickly hand the twins to Alex and walk over the two men on the floor.I could feel that my eyes have changed colour from the energy of my gifts being awakened.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON HERE!"They both cower from my voice.

"I w-was paying Alexander for the babies.H-He wanted to sell t-them cause he feels that Alexandre's alpha position is his."I growl and hold Alexander's chest.I ignore his screams and pleads as I boil his blood.I know I am being heartless right now,but they need to know that when you mess with a children you mess with their mothers.

I cool his blood down making sure not to kill him but to let him still feel the pain.I am glad Alex took the twins out.I didn't want them ever seeing me in this state.

"P-Please Scarlet spare me.I will telly out everything.Where everyone is and every one of their plans."I look at Alex's uncle and nod.Looks like I'll be killing two birds with one stone.

Some pack warriors probably summoned by Alex drag both a whimpering Cancer and his uncle.We make sure not to create a scene and head out.When we get to the cars I put the twins in their booster seats and sit with them in the back.

Sensing their parents' presence they seem more happy.Rain was even laughing when I made a couple funny faces at her and Storm kept giggling at her sisters laugh.

I am so happy that I found my babies.I just want this war over and done with so I can finally have some family time.When we got home I didn't even want to look at the two men who took my babies.

I went with the twins to their room.I took of their dirty clothes and their messy diapers.It looked like someone tried changing them,but they didn't know the right size.So they bought a big size and sellotape the sides to make them smaller.

"Come one babies let's go give you a well deserved bath and mommy is going to make you beautiful again."They both giggled as I picked them up and placed them in the child sized bath.

I bathed Storm first while Rain was playing with the toys I put in.While I was bathing Rain Storm decided to pee in the water which made Rain cry.I couldn't help but chuckle at Storms suprised face.I love this two angels of mine.

"Mama."I feel my heart stop a little and beat very fat again when I hear Storm calling me mama.

"Wait what Stormy repeat that."She started clapping and chanting mama.I coulcould feel tears gather in my eyes from the joy of heating my baby say her first word.

"Dada."I looked at Rain and awed.I could feel my heart about to burst from joy.

"Alex!"He came in running probably thinking something is wrong.

"Mama!" "Dada."When Storm and Rain spoke at the same time I could see Alex's shocked face and he quickly dropped to the floor next to me.

The twins kept on chanting and clapping and giggling.Alex and I just watched them with adoration.I couldn't be more happier and grateful that my babies said their first words to us not to those filthy men in the dungeons.

My babies are going to live a good life.Ill make sure of that at any cost.

Hey guys.
Thank you first the votes and the support I'm getting.I am forever going to be grateful.Im sorry for the late updates,but I am juggling a very busy schedule but I'll try my best to update more frequently.

I love you all.😙


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