A Humble Start

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Ruby pulled her coat tighter around her body as she stepped off the bus and looked up to see the old half broken and busted up sign of the dank little club she worked in. "Butster's Bustin Bar" is what it was called.
The sign flickered with half working neon on the tubes that weren't broken and the ones that were sparked and she shook her head. She hated this place and hated her job but if she didn't work she didn't eat... let alone pay protection fees.
Oddly enough this was still one of the nicer clubs in the area, fairly clean inside, smelled of cigars and beer as soon as you opened the door but buster himself made sure everything got a quick wipe down at the end of the day.
As she stepped inside the empty bar buster smiled, "there's my crown jewel!" He mused, leaning on the edge of the counter as she walked passed him. "Morning boss." She said softly.
Buster wasn't a bad guy, he got a bit handsy from time to time but he was pretty harmless and if someone really bothered her while she was there he usually stepped in and took care of it.
"Oh hey Rubes." He called as her hand touched the door to the back room.
"The Don and his Lackey have been going to random bars lately around this quarter.... make sure you wear that sequin number and the lipstick I bought ya. I wanna show off how good I got it and maybe earn a favor with ya."
She bit her lip and rolled her eyes, heading into the back, ripping off her hat. What a pig. She thought as she threw her hat onto her vanity table and reached to turn to lights on. A few bulbs were broken or just out and the glass was old and tarnished and had one long crack at the top corner but ruby didn't car. As long as she could see to put her face on, not that she really needed it.

Ruby had been given one thing in life and honestly some days she wasn't sure if it was a blessing or a curse. Beauty.
Standing flatfoited Ruby was small, only about 5'4", she had a tiny little figure and decent endowments but her face was the money maker.
Sharp high cheekbones, a soft delicate nose, a chin that came to rest ever so gently just below her full pink lips, she had long eye lashes that could create a small breeze if she fluttered them too hard but her eyes. Those were what grabbed attention. Her bright, RUBY red eyes.
Her skin had a slight pink hugh to it and freckles across her cheeks, nose and shoulders as she was still really pale and fair completed.
She also had wavy red hair that came to the center of her back in a nice little sweep of a wave.

Ruby sighed as she took her coat off and looked at herself in the mirror. There were some days she wished she could just look like some of the other girls she saw around the city. Normal, pretty sure, but not this. Not attention grabbing. It made life... interesting to put it nicely.

She sat down and started doing her face and hair, making sure to place delicate little pins with fake pears around her hair, just to give it a little sparkle.
She wouldn't mind her looks so much if it weren't for the whispers. Cause, you see while non humans were common place and humans with strange colors the same... red was an abnormal color especially the eyes.
Being an orphan in inkwell no one knew who her parents were so some people believed she was the spawn of some satanic ritual. But of course if that were the case she wanted her money back cause didn't seem to have any special abilities at all. Well other than her fabulous singing voice but she would hardly call that demonic.

Ruby didn't sing the whole time she worked of course, it was also her job to help the servers out and be something of a... mama bird to them... mama bird with muscle.
While buster would come save her if need be it was ruby's job to try and get sleeze bags hitting on the wait staff to leave first. It didn't happen every night but when it did ruby could usually fend for herself pretty easily.
The place was pretty empty that night though, with rumors going around about the Don possibly coming to see the show no one really wanted to be there, aside from a few people who just didn't care or who were overly curious.
Ruby had to admit, she was a bit curious too. She had never seen the devil himself before. He usually stayed in his casino and sent his workers out to do collections.
The worker who got sent to her neighborhood was a truely kind creature. At first no one wanted approach him and would just hand him the money and run away but then ruby had seen how sad that made the thing and she approached him. He told her his name was mangosteen. He had an 8 ball for a head and one huge eye but the part that scared everyone was that he was 8 feet tall and pure ripping muscle.
But he wad an absolute sweetheart. He told ruby he didn't like taking people's money but because the devil had his soul he had to do what he was told.
Ruby understood and never blamed mangosteen. In fact the two became kinda close over time and if it weren't for the fact she was living off day old bread and cheese because of his visits she would have looked forward to seeing him each month.

Just then a man burst in through the front door and behind him a car rolled to a stop as he slammed the door shut behind him. "Its the Don!" The man yelled as he went to hide in a booth.
Buster stiffened and so did ruby and the single waitress that was on staff for the night began to shake.
Ruby took her shoulders. "Buster you're not making this girl..." ahe started to nag but buster was already around the counter, pushing the two ladies into the back.
"Fine fine I'll do it. Just get back there and get touched up and on stage." He insisted as he pushed the girls through the back room door.
Ruby turned around to glare at buster just in time to see a man in a purple pinstripe suite with a six sided die for a head open the door and hold it for a man in the blackest suite she had ever seen and horns that went up at least a foot before curling back in on themselves.
The devil.

(devil x reader/oc) (Mafia AU) Turning TablesWhere stories live. Discover now