Stand Your Ground

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Oh her head was pounding as she slowly came back to. She moaned and covered her eyes with her arm. What a strange dream. She dreamt mangosteen had kidnapped her off the street.
She chuckled out loud despite her head and sat up to stretch. "He's gonna laugh when I tell him that one." She muttered with a yawn before she opened her eyes and they fell on a fimiliar black suite jacket draped over her legs...but that was the only fimiliar thing as she looked around. The room was dark except for a blazing fire in the harth and the room was filled with gold and fine fancy things and a huge mahogany desk and three more velvet couches like the one she was laying on.
She felt panic begin to set in as her eyes fell on the portrait above the fire. The devil.
She slowly stood off the couch and hugged herself. Her coat was gone and she was just wearing her fluffy gold yellow colored sweater and tan skirt... no shoes.
She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. Oh this was not good. This was not good at all. That hadn't been a dream. Mangosteen had taken her and brought her to the devil... but why? Why did the devil want her? She wasn't special!

She set her sights on a huge ornaitly carved door and she opened it a crack to look out only to see that dice fella standing in the hall talking to a giant cigar man who looked almost as tall as mangosteen and about half as strong.
She quickly and quietly shut the door and cursed under her breath. There had to be another way out....
She looked around the whole room until she saw a tiny door behind the desk that looked just big enough for a small child to walk through. Or for her to crawl through. She wasn't sure where it would go but anywhere was better than waiting to be slaughtered in there.
She opened the door and pulled up her skirt and started going.

She came across random doors every so often but they would just lead to what seemed to be guest rooms or living areas or kitchen and washrooms and stuff like that.
Eventually though she found one that opened up to the main floor of the casino. It was behind some slot machines so she slipped out and closed it behind herself quietly, fixing her skirt and looking out to see a couple domino people talking and what looked like a walking roullete wheel.
She pressed her back to the slot machine and cursed. She could see the main door from where she was and it was a straight shot passed those people. But how to get past them was the question...
She turned to peak out again and saw that they were all facing away from the door and that the roulette wheel lady was the only one who would be facing her.
Maybe she could just... make a break for it. At this point she didn't have a lot to lose anyway.
She gathered her courage and took a deep breath and bolted.
The wheel quickly saw her and gasped. "Hey! Hey wait! Someone get her!" She called in a thick accent.

And from a hall way off to the side just ahead of her came out the cigar man and the dice man and they held out their arms like they were ready to grab her but before they could she dropped to the slick marble floor and slid under the cigar between his legs and quickly scrambled to her feet and rushed the door again. But when she reached it she couldn't open it and eye eyes widened and she turned to see a man who looked like he was made out of mostly poker chips was about to grab her and her eyes widened and ahe quickly threw a pinch at his face and he fell back holding his nose, yelling. "She broke my fuckin nose!" His accent was a heavy southern accent, like that of a cowboy.
The dice and cigar man were slower to approach and looked cautious to get close especially after she grabbed a wooden cane from an umbrella stand by the door and held it like a bat. "You stay the fuck back or I'll ... I'll... ill knock your heads off with this!" She warned
The dice held his hands up and made a calm down gesture. "Listen, I know you're a little confused and a little scared but none of us wanna hurt you...why don't you just put the stick down..." He said stepping closer and she reared back as if she were about to hit him.
"Don't you take one step closer or I'll roll your head like the dice it is! Someone open this door and let me leave! Right now!" She demanded.
And right about then was when the chips man slipped in from the side and grabbed her, making her cry out unsurprised and she dropped the cane as she tried to wriggle free.
"She's buckin like a bull! King help me out! " the chips man complained as he struggled to hold onto her.
The dice man's eyes began to glow and shift from their natural purple to a bright green as he approached and when he got close enough she kicked him in the jaw, sending the dice falling back and he glared up at her as his mouth bled.
"What is going on up here?" Called a fimiliar demonic voice and everyone paused to look at see the devil, looking very displeased at the scene before him. "Dice? Why is she out here and why are bleeding all over my floors?"
"I don't know boss! She got out some how but I was watching the door the whole time! And as for my bleeding the little tramp kicked me!"
"And I'll fucking do it again! Bring it you six sided bitch!" She snapped as she started wriggling again.
"Everyone shut up!" The devil roared and everyone froze.

The only sound anyone heard was the sound of the devils shoes clicking as he made his way across the marble floor and up to where chips was holding ruby in the air around her waist. "Bettagain. Put her down." He said slowly and the man sat her on her feet and stepped away.
Ruby took a step back but kept her eyes locked with the devils as he stepped towards her, seeming to push her back until her back was against the door.
She trembled with fear but not once did she drop her gaze.
"You're not looking away. Are you not afraid?" He asked, sounding amused.
"Terrified. But whatever you are gonna do to me I wanna see it coming." She said through her teeth and the devil smiled at her, leaning back and chuckling.
"Come with me my dear." He said, turing to walk back towards his office.
When she hesitated he paused and glanced back at her. "Or I can leave you here for dice to have some fun with you. That's entirely up to you."
She glanced at dice who was still glaring at her and looked like he wanted to skin her alive.  She swallowed hard and hurried after the devil.

(devil x reader/oc) (Mafia AU) Turning TablesWhere stories live. Discover now