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Its funny how someone can walk into your life and fill a hole you never knew was there and when you look back on the time they weren't there you don't know how you managed.
That's how the devil and everyone saw ruby. She was their missing peice. The cog in the machine that made it work so much more efficiently.
She could cheer anyone up and would defend anyone in trouble who needed help. As the devils wife she held just as much say over things in the casino so everyone started calling her boss as well, which she wasn't terribly fond of but adjusted to over time.
She still sang in the bar most nights and helped work poker tables every now and again but mostly she did what the devil and dice would do. Manage, walk around making deals and taking souls when need be which lessened up once ruby took a bit of charge as she didn't much care for the idea for obvious reasons.

She was walking around the casino one afternoon, a drink in her hand as she observed the place. She wore a matching black suite with the devil and gold trident earings as he carried his trident around the casino. She sipped her drink with a smile. The day had been calm, no fights, no souls, no cheaters, nothing... that is until she felt something run into the back of her legs and heard what sounded like dishing clanging together. She gasped and turned, expecting to see a server but no... Her eyes moved down to the floor and there were two little boys with cups for heads. The one wore blue and the other wore read but their clothes were dirty and tattered and she blinked, surprised. Children weren't a common sight here.
They looked up at her, terrified and backed away a little but she quickly knelt down and smiled. "Its ok. Don't be scared. Are you alright?" She asked gently and the little red cup nodded.
"We're fine Mrs. Devil Ma'am." He said, trying to sound brave.
She smirked. Mrs. Devil? She liked that. It was cute.
"Please call me Ruby. What are your names?"
The boys exchanged glances and smiled, holding out their hands to her.
"I'm cuphead!" Said the red one
"I'm mugman!" Said the blue one
Ruby smiled and shook both their hands. "Well it's very nice to meet you boys but ya know a casinos not really a place for kids to play... where is your mother and father?"
Their little smiles faded and they looked down and took each others hands before cuphead reached in his pocket and pulled out three gold coins, "we don't have any parents but...but we have money! We heard a casino is a good way to make more!"
She swallowed, her heart aching for the boys. No parents? Orphans... like she had been. "Where do you boys live if you don't have parents?" She asked after a moment.
"We live at Kettles Home for Kids. Over across the isles." Mugman said softly.
She blinked, astonished. "You know... that's where I grew up." She said with a smile.
They blinked and looked up at her, surprised that someone so cool looking could be from an orphanage. "Really? Wow! How'd you get here!?" Cuphead asked excitedly and she chuckled.
"Hard work and a little luck... are you boys hungry?' She asked and they nodded and she held out her hands as she stood straight again, "me too. Let's get some food. My treat." She said and their little faces lit up and took her hands. She lead them over to the bar where she placed them each up on a stool and smiled at chips who was on duty. "Chips? I need a couple of our finest steaks... uh... kid sized." She said smiling at the boys.
Chips looked over and raised an eyebrow, "sure thing boss..." He said hesitantly. Oooh the devil wasn't gonna be happy to see a couple kids here.
He turned and went into the kitchen to put the order in as ruby slipped behind the bar and poured the boys a couple glasses of milk.
Dice took notice about this time and came over, "boss... what's with the half stacks?" He asked, coming to stand behind the boys and they turned to look up at him.
Mugman seemed to cower at the sight of dice but cuphead looked up at him in awe.
Ruby smiled. "This is cuphead and mugman... my two new friends." She said, trying to let dice know they were to be treated kindly.
Dice sighed and nodded. "Your husband ain't gonna be too happy to see kids in his casino..."
"Last I checked it was mine too dice. I say they can stay as long as they want. I'll deal with luci if he has an issue with that." She assured.
Dice shook his head and walked away, muttering about how she was such a brat.
Ruby shook her head and chips came back with the plates of food. "We took one and split it in two... is that ok?"
She looked at the plates and nodded, taking them from him. "Perfect. Good thinking my friend." She said as she sat the plates in front of the boys and started cutting the steaks for them. "So how old are you two?" Chips asked
Mugman smiled, "we're 6... can I try your hat on?" He asked and chips smiled, taking his hat off and putting it on the little mug, making him laugh.
"And what brings you to the devils casino?"
Cuphead spoke this time, "we got a little money and wanted to make more so we can buy new shoes for the other kids at the orphanage!"
Ahh that's why ruby had taken such a liking to them. Orphans just like her.
He nodded, "Well that's mighty nice of you boys. How much money do you have?"
Cuphead pulled the money from his pocket and laid it on the counter, "one...two... three... three coins!" He said excitedly, proud that he had been able to count them.
Chips chuckled. "Wooow. Not bad kid but... I don't think that's gonna cut it for shoes.... or even a lace..."
"That's why we wanna play the games but we haven't found one we know how to play yet." Mugman chimmed in as he and cuphead dug into the food, humming at the flavor and ruby smiled, biting her lip. They were so cute.
"Well boys these games are...grown up games... you won't find jacks or hop scotch here..." She said gently.
The boys paused their chewing and frowned. "So we can't play?"
She shook her head slowly, "I'm afraid not babies. But I'll tell you what. Why don't you two stay here tonight and in the morning I'll take you home and I will buy everyone new shoes for you. Does that sound good?"
The boys lit up and stood on their chairs, "yes ma'am! Thank you!" Cuphead said excitedly.
Mugman bounced up and down, "this is great! Everyone will be so happy! So will elder kettle!"
She smiled and helped ease them back onto their bottoms, "yes, yes they will. Now finish eating while I step over here with Mr. Chips and have a chat. Ok?"
They nodded, digging back into the food as ruby pulled chips away from the bar. "I need you to run out and buy the boys some new clothes." She said, taking his note pat from his shirt pocket and his pen and writing down everything they needed. "I'll get wheezy to man the bar. Go." She said giving him his stuff back and he smiled, giving her a salute before running off.
"Hey wheezy!" She called and a few moments later he came up to her, "yeah boss lady?" He asked with a smile.
"can you man the bar a bit? Sent your boy on an errand."
He nodded and slipped hind the bar, starting to wipe it down before he noticed the boys and raised an eyebrow as they looked up at him in awe of his size and ruby came to stand behind them, placing her hands on their shoulders. "Like I said. Errand.." She said nodding at the boys and wheezy nodded.
"Ahh I see. Ok."
She took the hat off Mugman head and placed it on the counter before picking the boy up. "Let's go give you two a bath." She said, helping cuphead down off the chair and taking his hand as she carried Mugman.
She took them to hers and the devils room and sat them on the edge of the huge obsidion bathtub and started to fill it with warm water and lots of bubbles as she knelt by the side.
She helped them in and grabbed a little carved wooden ship from out of the devils office. A bribe from a previous debtor no doubt and brought it to them to play with.
It was around then she heard the all too fimiliar footsteps of her husband approaching and she sighed. This was gonna be fun....

(devil x reader/oc) (Mafia AU) Turning TablesWhere stories live. Discover now