Saying Hello

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Much to the crews surprise, after about an hour of standing around mourning in that park ruby's body...turned to ash in the boss's hands. Even the devil seemed shocked. He hadn't done that. The only thing left was the small golden key and it's chain, laying in the devils hand.
They didnt linger long after that, seeing no point to. They all slowly made their way back to the casino where the troop quickly poured everyone a round of drinks, everyone silent as mice as they sat around, tears rolling down everyone's faces.

Chips was the first to break the silence, standing from where he had been curled up next to wheezy in a booth and he took his hat off, clearing his throat.
"Now....I know we all loved Ruby... She was something special. She was kind to everyone here and fun to be around. She didn't take shit from anyone without throwing right back and... and that will be dearly missed but... but I believe... I'd like to believe that she wouldn't want us to be sad. She wouldn't want us to mourn her and sit around wishing we had made..." his voice broke as he tried not to let out a sob, "wishing we made it to her just a little bit sooner..." He said, clutching his hat to his chest.
"Ruby would put on a brave face and stare this disaster in its eyes and keep marching forward so I say that's what we should try to do. For ruby." He said lifting his glass in the air and slowly the other followed, chiming out, "for ruby." With each glass raised until the devil was the only one still staring into his drink.
"Come on boss... for our girl." Chips coaxed and the devils hand clenched and broke the glass and he snarled, standing and glaring at chips, "You lackeys do what you want!" He roared before he stormed off to his office, slamming the door hard enough to crack some of the windows on the bottom floor.
Everyone sighed and slowly looked back to their drinks but chips sniffled and half way raised his glass. "For you ruby." He whispered before turning the glass up and downing it.

Ruby moaned, her eyes fluttering open as she saw... nothing. Nothing but a bunch of white fluff surrounding her. What the hell?
Some of the fluff cleared from in front of her and before her stood a man who looked a lot like the devil but...but instead of black fur it was white. He had on old Greek looking robes and a...a halo.. shit.
"Where am i?" She asked and the man smiled.
"You're in heaven Ruby. Welcome." He said warmly.
"Heaven? B-but im..."
"Half angel?" The man mused.
"But he was wings are..." She turned and gasped. Theybwere no longer bat wings but huge white downy wings.
"I know it's a touch disorienting. Don't worry dear. You'll get used to it." He said as he slipped an arm over her shoulder.
"But seriously... how did I make it into heaven? I... I killed people and lied and had sex with the devil..."
The man chuckled, a light blush on his cheeks and tips of his ears. "Yes we know. But you did the impossible. He willingly gave up a soul to make you happy. "
She blinked. Had he...had the devil really never done that before?
"I...I dont..."
The man smiled, "what is it dear? Anything you want is yours here." He said gesturing out over the bright landscape of fluffy clouds and bright warm light.
"I don't want to be here..." She whispered. ""
The man looked at her with raised eyebrows. "You dont?"
She shook her head. "If I'm not with Lucifer I won't be happy." She said. "Can i...go back?"
The man sighed and rubbed his neck before smiling and nodded. "If that is what your heart desires." He said before snapping his fingers and she closed her eyes.
It was quick, very quick. She found herself laying on the sidewalk just outside the casino, wearing a rolling red and white pinstriped suite with black lace edging.
She stood and smiled as she looked up at her home, the sun shining down on the door before her in a beam of warm light and her heart hammered.
She went to stretch her wings out to fly over the closed gate when she realized they weren't bat wings again. They were still puffy and covered in feathers but not white. They were black as night and she smiled. So pretty.
She walked up to the door after jumping the gate with ease and hesitantly knocked on the locked front door.

Dice looked up from where he sat alone in the quiet main hall and looked towards the door in confusion. He was sure he had locked the front gate.
He sighed and sat his drink down, making his way to the door and when he opened it his eyes widened as they fell on his best friend. "R-ruby?" He stammered.
She giggled and smiled warmly at him. "Its me dice... ya six sided bitch." She teased and he rushed to her, pulling her up into his arms and hugging her tight, spinning her around.
"You little brat I thought you were dead!" He said as tears rolled down his face and he laughed.
She smiled down at him from where he held her up and she patted the top of his head. "Nope. Not today. Now put me down ya over grown brick!" She said and he chuckled, putting her down. "Fine but later we are gonna talk about the hypnosis thing." He said, poking her side.
She blushed lightly and nodded. "Deal." She said as he lead her inside.

"Dice I've had a fantastic idea.." She said as she sat at the bar.
"Oh no. That's dangerous."
"Open the casino tonight and make sure everyone is there. Chips, wheezy, the devil, everyone." She said as she picked up the drink dice poured.
"What for?"
"Well I am the entertainer right? What's better than a mystery singer?" She said before sowing her drink and laying the glass on the bar. "Don't let anyone back stage." She called as she rushed off to started getting ready.
Dice called everyone down for work and opened the casino... He knew the boss would hear it and get angry and come out to try and shut everything down once things got louder.
Which he did.
"Dice! Why are we open! I told you I did not want to be disturbed!" The devil roared as he walked up to dice who was waiting by the devils throne in the bar area.
"S-sir please! Just sit down! I think you'll enjoy this show I have planned for tonight! Give it a chance!" Dice pleaded as he gestured to the throne and the devil looked down at the throne and back at dice before growling.
"If it sucks I'm ripping your head off." He said before he flopped down and dice went up on the stage to do the intos as all the staff filed in like they'd been told to do.

"Tonight is a special night in our casino. We are welcoming back our very own fallen angel tonight. Please put your hands together for, Our Lady  Of The Ruby Hearts!" Dice said as the curtains rose to reveil ruby.

Ruby stood before the crowd and smiled as she made her way up to dice to take the mic from him and she kissed his cheek. "Goodness it's good to be back on this stage!" She said, looking out over the sea of shocked faces. Her friends jaws were all on the floor and their eyes were all wide which made her giggle and then her eyes fell on the devil who looked like he was staring at a ghost, leaning forward in his seat with tears rolling down his face.
"As some of you know I went away for a while but I'm back and better than ever and I'm here now to stay for as long as I'm wanted." She explained as she looked down at the devil and smiled.
Her demonic features were softer, much like her wings. Her teeth were still sharp but not jagged, her eyes were still red but not menacing and her presence was soft and gentle once again.
"I'd like to dedicate this first song to none other than our beloved Lucifer. My friend, my boss, my lover... and my greatest treasure."

The devil felt his ears growing hot as she sang and he stood as she approached him and she walked right into his arms, singing as she looked into his eyes and he smiled down at her, her voice filling up his head, his every thought and as she sang the last cord he pulled her in for a passionate kiss, turning to dip her, holding her under him as he held her off the floor and when the kiss broke she placed a hand on his cheek as the crowd around them watched in amazement.
"Ruby...Will you marry me?" He said before he could stop himself.
Gasps filling the room around them as people watched and listened, waiting for her response...
She giggled, leaning up to kiss his nose, making the tips of his ears hot again and she nodded. "Of course I will. My Lucifer." She whispered and they kissed again, the crowd erupting into applause.

(devil x reader/oc) (Mafia AU) Turning TablesWhere stories live. Discover now