Lost Treasure

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When dice came to he sat up and looked around with a moan, holding the side of his head. "R-ruby?" The last thing he remembered was ruby saying she was sorry for something and then everything had gone blank.
He looked and saw Satan sitting in his armchair in front of the fire with a glass of what he assumed was vodka since it was clear.
"Boss? Boss what happened?" He asked.
"She's gone dice..." He said after a pause.
Dice stood slowly, staggering a bit. "Gone? Where?"
"I don't know... somewhere far away from me I'd guess..." He slurred.
Dice bit his lip, the boss had been drinking. The two of them probably had a fight and now the devil felt bad about it and was drowning his sorrows.
Dice sighed and came over and gently took the glass, "come on boss. You need to sleep it off." He said as he helped the devil to his feet. Of course the devil could sober up quickly since he wasn't human but it helped to just have him do it in his sleep. It at least made dices life easier.
He watched as the devil flopped onto the bed and shook his head, "sleep well boss." He said as he left to try and find ruby.

It was raining outside, the sky reflecting the storm in ruby's heart as she walked down the middle of the street, her hair and clothes clinging to her wet body as people ran away from her in the street. She scoffed. That's right. She was a monster. They should run.
She soon made it to the park and sighed as she saw no one was there. Thank goodness. A good place to wait for her father then.
She sat down on a small hill and stared at her feet, her knees pulled to her chest as she played with the key necklace between her fingers.

The devil groaned in his sleep and woke up with tears rolling down his face as he turned over to pull ruby closer to him he quickly realized she wasn't there anymore and the tears fall harder. He pulled the blanket up higher on his body when he heard the shifting of a paper and he sat up and picked up the envelope. It was addressed to him. He bit his lip and used a claw to open it.
"My darling Lucifer,
By the time you read this you'll probably hate me and I will be gone. I'm so sorry for what I've had to do to you, to us and to dice of course.
I couldn't tell you what happened with my mother because on my way back I met my father. He's a fallen angel like you who wants his place in heaven back. My soul is what he needs for that so I had to get my soul from you to give to him because if I didn't he was going to kill the children in the orphanage I grew up in and my mother. I hope you understand. I hope you know that I love you more than life itself and that hurting you was the worst thing I've ever had to do.
Thank you for giving me the best time of my life. I will forever treasure it as you treasured me. Goodbye my love.

-Ruby Sugar"

Panic set in as he read the letter. How could he have been so blind?! Of course she would never want to hurt him! They were bonded! Contract or not they had a bond! He should have seen something was wrong! Why didn't he see it?!
He stood off the bed and grabbed his suite jacket and rushed out the door. They had to find ruby. Now!

She heard the beating of heavy wings and a thud land behind her and she bit her lip, standing.
"Did you get the contract undone?" Asked her father.
She nodded and he smiled at her.
"What a good girl. I bet that devil was a real bitch wasn't he?" He asked as he reached a hand out to pull her soul from her but she turned and grabbed his wrist.
"No. He wasn't. But you will be when I'm done with you. If you want my soul you'll have to pry it from my corpse." She said, glaring up at him before swinging a clawed hand at him and landing a hit, making him stumble back, holding his face as blood gushed from the scratches along his jawline but he laughed.
"Oh you wanna fight with daddy huh? Alright baby girl. Let's fight." He said, his eyes glowing as he turned to her and his wings puffed out and he began to grow to about the size of mangosteen and her eyes widened, taking a step back. That was unexpected.
She shook her head and flapped her wings, taking off into the air and he followed suite, grabbing her ankle and throwing her back down onto the ground. She coughed after she hit the ground, the wind was knocked out of her. She looked up and saw he was dive bombing her and she quickly moved out of the way and moved to a kneeling position as she made a huge ball of hell fire in her hands and threw it at him and it got one of his wings, making a fairly decent hole in the rough flesh.
Ruby felt her stomach churn at the smell of the burnt flesh but after the flames died he turned and clawed her, sending her spinning onto the ground. She cried out in pain as she felt her stomach begin to bleed and she looked to see three large claw marks across her body, one on her chest, one on her stomach and one over her thighs, all of them deep and gushing blood. She whimpered and tried to stand to move away but fell onto the ground and yelped when she felt him grab her ankle again and pulled her over to him. He them moved to stand over her and he grabbed one of her flailing wings and he grinned down at her evilly as he drug his claws through the thin membrane and she let out a blood curdling scream and turned to kick him off and she started to crawl away.
He was too strong. He was gonna kill her. He really was!
He caught her again and picked her up by her hair and brought his face to his and smiled, "say goodnight princess..." He said before throwing her as hard as he could against the huge tree in the center of the park, the impact sounding like a crack of thunder.
The world went black for her for a moment and as she slowly came back everything was fuzzy and there was a very loud ringing in her ears. Everything hurt. She couldn't lift her head or move hardly at all.
All she could think of as she sat there, the rain pouring down over her was the devil. Her Lucifer. His smile. The coy sly little smirk he had on his face when she would sing for him on stage. The look in his eyes right before he would pull her to his body and kiss her. The feeling of his soft fur under her touch in the early mornings when she would wake up for work. The smell of brimstone and cigars. Her greatest treasure. And she had broken him. For what? To die here? Cold and alone and in pain at the hands of the first man who was supposed to love her? All she wanted was to be in his office by the fire in his lap, her face in his neck and his arms around her...
Her father lifted her face to look in her barely open blackened eyes and he smirked. "You're my kid alright. Tough as nails to be alive after that. Don't worry dear. Won't be much longer now." He said as he went for her chest again to grab her soul but something knocked him out of the way and her head dropped again.
She wasn't sure but...She could hear mango, chips, wheezy and...well everyone yelling and fighting.
Was she hallucinating? Dreaming? Dead? No... no it hurt too much for any of that. They were there. They were there for her...
In the next moment she felt her head being lifted again and her eyes met those beautiful red and gold eyes she loved so much and she smiled. "Lucifer?"
He looked like he was about to cry, his eyes wide with fear and worry as he moved to his knees and pulled her into his arms, cradling her head against his shoulder gently. "Its ok ruby... I'm here. You're safe now."
She smiled, taking in his scent as her breathing began to slow.
"Luci?" She whispered
"Y-yeah?" He stammered, looking down at her, holding her hand to his cheek.
"I didn't mean it..." She whispered, little tears falling down her face too.
"I know... I'm sorry I didn't see that you needed me.... Ruby please stay with me." He pleaded
"I don't think... I can... but I'm so happy I get to see you one more time. I...I love..." She began to choke as He squeezed her hand as he shook his head. "N-no no no no! Don't go! Don't you dare!" He ordered.
She took in once last breath and kissed his lips lightly, "I love you Lucifer..." and as the words left her lips her chest stoped rising and falling and her eyes closed as she went limp in his arms.

The devil looked down at the girl of his dreams laying battered to death in his arms and tears blood fell down his face and onto her face. "No! RUBY! RUBY! You come back damnit! You can't leave me i... i... I need you..." He said as he hugged her body tight to him.

After the crew managed to litterally rip ruby's father to rather litteral threads and send his soul to hell where it belonged they gathered around the devil and ruby and began to cry. She was gone.

(devil x reader/oc) (Mafia AU) Turning TablesWhere stories live. Discover now