Fear Of New

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Ruby moaned in her sleep as she hugged her pillow and she reached out to feel for the devil and opened her eyes when she only felt the cold of the silk sheet under her hand. She sat up and looked to see him sitting in a chair across from the bed, staring at her, a glass of what looker like whiskey in his hand.
"Come back to bed." She said, holding a hand out to him and he sighed, downing the glass before standing and coming back over to her, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking her hand.she frowned. He looked so glum. What was wrong.
"Boss? Is everything ok?" She asked, moving to hug him from behind and rest her head on his shoulder.
He sighed again. "Everything's fine..." He said before hissing in pain as his hand burned and she bit her lip and made him turn to her.
"What's wrong? Did I do something?" She asked and he looked up, panic in his eyes and he turned fully and took both her hands. "No! No! I mean... not really... look it's not your fault."
"what happened then?"
He sighed and reached back behind her and gently pinched one of her new wings, making her squeak as it was sensitive being new and all.
Her eyes widened as she turned and saw her wing between his fingers and she swallowed hard. "B-boss...why do I have wings?"
He took a deep breath. "Remember what I told you about trust bonding... well sex can be a way of doing that... it's when you let yourself and the other demon let's themself trust eachother completely... you must have finally trusted me enough for your powers to activate last night.. and I guess I trusted you that much too."
She sat back and put her head in her hands. This.... was a lot.
"D-do I still look nice?" She asked nervously.
He smiled and nodded. "Still beautiful just a touch more menacing."
She groaned and moved off the bed to the mirror to inspect her face. Her eyes were a few shades redder and her teeth quite a bit sharper. The only huge difference was her wings. They were massive.
She swallowed as she looked at herself. "I.... I need to go get ready for work..." she said after a long silence, grabbing a towel from off a table beside his bathroom and she wrapped it around herself.
"You don't have to work today if you need some time to adjust..."
The devil said gently, trying to hold her but she stepped out of his grasp. "I need to work. I... I don't wanna think about this right now." She said before she hurried out and up to her room.

Dice soon came knocking on her door and she opened it a crack, still naked as her clothes wouldn't go over her wings.
"Can I come in ruby?" He asked.
She shook her head, blushing.
"Ruby I know what happened. The boss told me what happened and he summoned some special clothes for you." He said gently.
"I'm naked dice..."
"And I'm gay. Big deal." He said pushing his way in and she bit her lip as he looked at her wings wide eyed.
"They're nice. I've only seen a few demons with wings and none of them were that nice." He mused as he went to lay out her new uniform and some comfy clothes on her bed.
She sighed and came over to sit next to the clothes and looked up at him.
"They're not too... freaky?"
"No ruby. People will get used to them. Just give it some time." He said, holding out a custom bra and she slipped it on with a pair of panties he gave her then her skirt and he helped to put her new shirt on her, showing her how to get it over her wings and get it all laced up.
When she was dressed she moved in and hugged him. "Thank you Dicey."
He froze for a second before smiled and hugging her back gently. "Of course..." He said but broke the hug a moment later. "But you're still a brat." He said turning for the door, winking at her before walking out.
She grinned playfully and hurried after him, putting on her heals as she went. "Oh yeah well you're still a six sided bitch!" She called, making him laugh as he got into the elevator and he shook his head as she came to stand with him.
She smirked and flexed her wing to smack him in the face, her hands folded innocently in front of her.
He gasped and struggled to get her wing off him. "Why I otta..." He said through his teeth.
She smiled at him as the elevator stopped l. "What dicey? They're new I can't help it!" She said as she stepped of, intentionally fluttering the corners of her wings to prove she could help it  but before she and dice could continue their play a loud gasp rang through the crew as the saw ruby's new appearance and she turned to face everyone with a blush.
"Morning guys..." She said, waving nervously.

(devil x reader/oc) (Mafia AU) Turning TablesWhere stories live. Discover now