Chapter Three

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"Evelyn, do you know what a mate is?"

"No, Mama, what is that?"

"Well, honey, your wolf, Eliza, has a soulmate, someone she is meant to be with."

"So, Fa is your mate?"

"Yes, Evie, your father is my mate. You will have a mate, too. He will love you and cherish you and it will be the greatest feeling in the world."

Tears stream down my face as memories from my childhood play in my mind. I miss my parents so much. I feel so alone right now and I don't know what to do. 

I'm not supposed to feel alone right now. My mother always taught me that I was supposed to love and cherish my mate with all of my being. She always told me that I would be safe with my mate and I would feel loved and happy whenever I was with him. She told me once I met him, I would never feel alone.

Why didn't she tell me that there was a chance this wouldn't be the case?

I find myself walking towards the kitchen; my dark room doesn't sound very inviting right now. My stomach grumbles, hungry for something, but I am feeling sick at the thought of eating. Do I even want to eat? I really don't want to do anything. I feel empty, I feel numb. I feel like crying and crying until I have no tears left and then just going to sleep and hoping I never wake up.

It would be better than living like this.

My parents are gone, my mate doesn't want me. There's only one person back home that cares about me, but I just can't see myself going back to my coven without my parents. It's not a home without them. 

I am supposed to be building a home with my mate. But, my mate doesn't want me and I will have to constantly live with the reminders. Evander knows I'm his mate, yet he had sex with another woman and I got to feel it all. 

On top of all of this, there's someone hunting me down because they know I'm a hybrid. I can't even tell anyone in this pack that I'm in danger because then they might kill me. But, by not telling them, am I putting them all in danger? 

I wish I had Eliza to talk to but even she's gone.

The reality is, I am left all alone to deal with this pain and figure out what I am supposed to do next.

I guess I'll try and eat something and then sleep away the day and deal with it when I wake up.

The smell of ham and eggs fills my nose as I continue to make my way down the hall. My stomach growls and lurches simultaneously. I pause for a moment and sniff the air, trying to pick up on who is making the breakfast. The distinct smell of sandalwood accompanied by a hint of citrus tells me that Asher and Marianne are in the kitchen. Relief washes over me when I don't smell that heavenly incense; Evander isn't here.

Pain strikes my heart, then, because I am not supposed to feel relief. 

"Evelyn?" Asher calls as I begin walking again. He must have smelled me coming. He peeks his head out of the door frame and locks eyes with me. I offer him a small smile, hoping that he won't mention the puffiness of my eyes or the dried saltwater on my cheeks. Thankfully, he doesn't. "I didn't expect you to be up so early," he comments softly, referencing the painfully restless night I had. "Would you like some breakfast?"

At the mention of food, my stomach roars and flops again. I stop in my tracks, grabbing my stomach and groaning. Why do I feel so sick? I'm starving.

"Are you okay?" he asks me. He steps fully out of the kitchen now, but doesn't move towards me. I nod once, beginning to slowly move forward again. "Are you sure?"

Luna - Beasts of Beauty Series - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now