Chapter Ten

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The sound of knuckles rapping on my door finally pulls me from my unconscious state. How did I get to my room?


"Come in, Connor," I call out groggily, rubbing my eyes to try and relieve some of the sting. My door creaks open and Connor pops his head inside. He offers me a gentle smile. 

"Hey," he greets. "I brought you some food but I dropped it." He sheepishly emerges from behind the door holding a plate with a dismantled sandwich. 

"That's okay," I tell him sincerely. "Thank you for the thought, but I'm not all that hungry."

He approaches me slowly, carefully taking a seat on my bed. While he doesn't ask for my permission, I can tell that he is giving me every opportunity to ask him to stop. 

"How are you feeling? You passed out from the spell yesterday," he informs me. Now that he mentions it, I do vaguely remember collapsing in the basement. Asher must have brought me upstairs. 

"Still tired," I tell him honestly, "but that's to be expected. I think I'm just going to rest in here today, if that's alright."

"Would you like some company?" he asks. "I don't have anything to do today and you did promise to tell me about the other talents," he reminds me.

"Oh, alright, fine," I playfully huff, "I suppose I could tell you about the other talents." He wiggles in his seat excitedly, reminding me of a child. 

I've known him for less than a day, but I already feel like I've known him my whole life. Connor's whole personality just radiates loyalty and trustworthiness. No, I definitely would not mind his company today. 

"So, as I've said, I'm a caster, chemic, psychic, and elemental. Caster and chemic are categorized as common, and there's also reader, which is common; Readers can read palms, auras, tea leaves, spirit cards, things like that. Then, psychic and elemental are a little more uncommon, but not quite rare," I explain. He nods along in understanding.

"And that's what you are," he confirms. "'Uncommon, but not quite rare,'" he teases. I nod my head in confirmation, allowing a joking laugh to escape my lips. He has a way of making everything very lighthearted. I like that.

If only he knew, though, I am as rare as they come. I have to hold back a fearful shiver at the thought of everyone finding out.

"So, what is rare, then?" he asks. "Is being a Seer a rare talent?" he questions, his eyes wide as if he just connected a couple dots in his mind.

"Kind of. Being a Medium or a Nimbic is considered rare. Seer would be, there's not really a word for it so just, extra rare, I guess," I explain. He seems to understand easily so I continue. "Mediums can see and/or talk to spirits of people who have passed. I don't know any of the details because I'm not a Medium, so I don't know who they can talk to or how or any of that." Connor seems a bit disappointed at the lack of information, but nods. He seems to be struggling to keep his mouth shut and not interrupt my explanations. I appreciate how hard he's trying, though. "The nimbic talent is really weird in my opinion, but they can basically control rain, specifically the clouds."

"So, what, they can part a storm or bring rain in a drought?" Connor clarifies. I nod my head in confirmation. His eyebrows furrow as he thinks about it some more. "That's it?" I nod again.

"Basically." He cocks his head to the side a little bit, still thinking about it. "So, I already told you that being a Seer is 'extra rare'; there's also Shifters," I tell him. His eyes widen and I knew he would be most excited about this talent. "Shifters are exceptionally rare, the second-most rare, even, and most people outside of covens don't even really know they exist," I continue. "So, Shifters are similar to wolves in the sense that they can shift into a different animal form; there is only one animal form for each Shifter and along with each animal comes a special gift."

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