Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sometimes, I wish I could stay mad at Eliza. 

Especially, when she just pops back into my head the morning after disappearing without a trace like nothing happened.

You're overreacting, she tells me with a roll of her eyes, just what I was begging for yesterday. I have been continuously ignoring her pestering me and asking what we're supposed to be doing today now that Darius is dead. 

I shudder every time I think about my claw sinking into his gut and now is no exception. 

You fucking left me, Eliza, I snap, even knowing that I shouldn't be mad. She needed her time to process just like I did. Darius didn't only hurt me. 

I did love you

I push his voice out of my head, as I've been trying to do since I woke up alone in bed. 

I know you're hurting and lashing out so I'm going to choose to ignore you, but I am going to tell you explicitly that it is not because I don't love you, she tells me, sticking her nose up in the air at me to give off an aura of emotional superiority. Wow, threatening to leave again?

Well, fuck her. 

She was trying to convince me to get out of bed and explore the new house, but I am being - admittedly - extremely petty.

Oh, come on. I can feel that you're still processing, so I just want to distract you a little. I want to help, Evie. Eliza's voice turns pouty, signaling that it's time for me to stop being so stubborn. I sigh, my shoulders slumping as I look around the bedroom. 

I woke up to Sam slipping out of bed this morning, much to my dismay. After promising me that he didn't want to leave and would be back soon, he kissed me before leaving the room and letting me go back to sleep. 

I have no idea what time that was or how long it's been since he's gone. I have not gotten out of bed yet and part of me doesn't want to. 

He told me a lot about the house last night, I tell her. There's seven rooms.

Seven? she asks incredulously. She wants to run out of the room and explore every inch of this house. I slip out of the bed and walk over to one end of the room that has two doors. I assume they lead to closets. 

There's two more rooms on this end of the hall and four on the other end, I explain to her. He already set one up as a guest room, but I don't know which one.

Is there a library?

Downstairs, I reply, opening one of the doors before me, with the common areas and a bathroom or two. He didn't say what was on the top floor. 

The door leads to a closet, just as I suspected. Though, not mine. Two rods hold a number of different styles of shirts, mostly black or red, indicating that this must be Sam's closet. I ignore the cold air around my bare body and step to the other door as Eliza speaks. 

So, how many pups are we filling this house with? she asks me, making my hand slip off the door knob. 

What? I question back. I must have heard her wrong. 

There's seven rooms in this house, Evie,  she tells me with a flat voice. Do you think those were built for storage?

I hadn't thought about it, honestly, but now I am. 

And I'm thinking I do want to fill those rooms up with pups. 

You could be pregnant right now, she tells me casually, as if it wouldn't give me a heart attack. 

Luna - Beasts of Beauty Series - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now