Chapter Fourteen

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"Do you think they'll wake up soon?"

"I hope so."

"Do you think the curse is broken?"

"I do."

"Did you know?"

"Did anyone know?"

I open my eyes to see that I am laying in my bed in my own room of the pack house. The curtains are pulled closed and the lights are off. I don't have a chance to take in the rest of my surroundings before all of the events leading up to my blackout suddenly rush to my mind.

Sam's mangled body, though, is the only image I can see clearly.

"Evander, where's Evander?" I ask. I'm not sure who's all in the room, my eyes still won't focus on anything. I know I heard Marianne and Asher's voices, but the rest of my senses still will not cooperate.

Sam, Eliza's voice corrects me.

Right, Sam, I confirm. But they don't call him Sam.

Fair enough.

My heart swells in happiness at the sound of Eliza's voice and the warmth of her presence once again. Instantly, I destroy the box I created so she can never go away again. I hear her chuckle at my actions, but she says nothing.

I start to sit up, but the smell of sandalwood overwhelms me and Asher is by my side in an instant. Something keeps me from sitting all the way up and I look down to see chains around my wrists, holding me to my bed. "Asher, what's going on?" I ask him, the fear prevalent in my voice.

"Leave us," Asher commands. It is then that I notice the small crowd of people in the room. All the wolves - doctors, guards, and the like - leave the room until only Asher and Marianne remain. "Evelyn," Asher says slowly. "You're a wolf?"

My eyes widen in alarm and I try to gauge his reaction. He looks more confused and intrigued than anything, so I take that as a sign that confirming the truth is a safe option. 

I slowly nod my head in response, my heart rate picks up, the fear welling inside me. Are they going to kill me?

"But, you're a witch," Marianne states in confusion.

"My father was a wizard, my mother was a werewolf," I explain, even though they know my parents' heritage. "I didn't inherit just one of their qualities; I inherited both," I whisper. I'm sure they've formed the conclusion themselves, but it appears me saying it makes it register fully. 

They both stare at me in amazement.

"A hybrid," Asher breathes out. "My mother told me stories of hybrids. Legends say that a hybrid will rule as our most powerful Luna yet." Marianne gazes at Asher as if she had heard and believed the same story.

"That Hybrid is you, Evelyn!" Marianne realizes. "That's why Samuel left to protect you!"

I think about what they said and the word Luna sticks out to me.


I can't be Luna without an Alpha.


I don't care about any of this. I need to see Sam.

"Please," I beg them. "I need to see Evander."

"He hasn't woken up yet," Asher tells me. Something flashes across his eyes, black and disappointed. Axel. He knows the curse is broken and his chances are now zero.

"I don't care."

Marianne nods once, giving her approval to allow me out of bed. Asher glances at her, asking if she's sure.

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