Chapter Fifteen

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Why is it so cold?

I peel my eyes open, the sunlight shining onto my face. I must have fallen asleep with Sam again. I glance over my shoulder with a smile, only to find that he isn't there. Odd. I slowly peel the blankets back and stand up, stretching out my sore muscles.


Eliza, I greet happily. I really fucking missed her.

We're going to be okay, right? she asks. She's scared, so scared. Once she came out of her box, so did her scent. Eliza has always been afraid of being discovered. She has always been afraid of being the reason that I get caught. Now, we're out in the open and she's terrified.

Eliza, we're going to be okay, I promise her. I won't let anything happen to you. Please don't leave me again. Tears stream down my face without permission. I feel warm with her presence around once again. I can talk to my best friend. She can be with her mate. I can shift and go for a run whenever I want - which I do want. 

Things are finally turning around.

Eliza promises that she won't leave once she realizes I need to hear it. The happiness I feel is overwhelming. Tears continue to stream down my cheeks, despite my efforts to breathe and make it stop. I really do cry too much.

Evelyn, calm down, Eliza tries. I know you're happy, but this is what miserable people do.

I'm sorry, I can't help it, I tell her. Thankfully Sam isn't here to see me like this. Where is he anyway?

Well, your nose is dripping and I'm sure Sam is going to be back soon. Don't scare him away with your ugly crying, please? she requests. Yeah, maybe I didn't miss her attitude so much. I wish I could roll my eyes at her.

On second thought, maybe I could use another break, I mutter sarcastically.

I love you, Evie, she says sincerely. You know that.


I look up to see Sam standing in the open doorway. Eliza melts at the sight of him.

"Evelyn, are you okay?" he asks, his bright smile melting into a frown. I notice a tray of food in his hands. "You're crying. What happened?"

"Nothing," I tell him and wipe my cheeks with my sleeve. It's not even a lie. Nothing happened, I'm just happy. He sets the tray on the table next to him as he approaches. "I'm just... really happy for once." I watch a few emotions pass over his eyes before he smiles softly and sighs in relief. "Eliza's here, you're here, I'm not hiding this huge secret anymore. I just...I feel at peace. It's a really foreign feeling."

"Speaking of a huge secret..." he trails off. "As much as I want to shut myself into a room with you for the rest of my life," he starts, jumping onto the bed and wrapping his arm around my waist. Uncontrollable giggles leave my mouth as he gently lays me down and nuzzles his nose in my neck. He takes a deep breath before continuing what he was saying. "We kind of need to tell everyone what's going on."

What does that mean? I think to myself.

Nobody outside of Asher, Marianne, Connor, and Penelope knows who the heck you are, Evelyn. All they knew were rumors about you being a rogue witch, and now all of a sudden you're a hybrid that called this pack yours, Eliza explains. Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. They're confused and probably scared.

"Asher, Connor, and my mom have been fending off questions for a while now. They shouldn't have to. I think we need to tell everyone what happened and who you are," he adds. "I kept you hidden. I'm changing that and I'm changing it now." His voice cracks as he loses his grip on his breathing. His arm squeezes my waist gently. I can feel the guilt radiating off of him.

Luna - Beasts of Beauty Series - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now