Chapter Twenty-Six

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I ignore whoever calls my name and continue on my trek to the library. 


I think it's Asher following me, but I can't really focus on the voice through the loud ringing in my ears. 

He got away.

The sentence reverberates in my head, seemingly bouncing around between my ears, refusing to leave me alone. 

He got away.

Well, we have to find him, then. 

He had my parents this whole time. He had Samuel this whole time. The amount of pain that Darius has caused me, my family, and my pack is unforgivable. I am genuinely shocked by how quickly my love for my uncle has turned to hatred. But then again, when did his feelings for me change?

Has he been planning this my whole life? Faking his love the whole time? 

That's not possible, is it? 

But, is it possible for him to love me and all of a sudden change his mind once finding out I am a hybrid? 

I don't know what would hurt more.

Him only hating me because I am a hybrid makes no sense. No, this must be personal, somehow. 

But, how?

What did I do to him? 

Asher calls after me again. I continue to ignore him, instead letting my mind whirl crazily.

Darius has devised my torture into the perfect plan. He wanted me to come here this whole time. He found my mate - his own cousin - and cursed him to hate me. He forced me to reveal myself - though, that was a less stressful decision than he probably anticipated. 

On top of that, this whole time, he had the people who matter most to me locked in a basement near death.

Not to mention the fact that by torturing me, he also tortured my mate and his family. 

That was his very first mistake. 


I finally turn around and come face to face with Asher. 

"What, Asher?" I snap, my voice clearly annoyed. Shock plays on his face and I instantly feel guilty, but for some reason, can't bring myself to apologize. What is so important that he had to interrupt me?

"Are you okay?" 

His words play over themselves in my head and I stare at him with narrowed eyes. Is this some kind of joke? 

"I don't have time for-"

"Evelyn, you're not thinking clearly," he interrupts, giving me a pointed look. "Look down."

I stare at him for a moment, trying to decide if I want to listen to him or slap him for cutting me off like that. Concern floods his eyes as he watches me patiently and I'm so shocked that I look down at myself. 

You haven't even gotten dressed, you cretin, Eliza chides. 

She's right. I am still holding the quilt Asher had initially brought me snug around my naked body. 

"Do you even know how long you've been out?" Asher continues, his voice laced with so much worry and concern. The implication of his words sets in and I feel so incredibly guilty all over again. "You shifted into a dragon and your body is probably exhausted."

He's going to tell me to not try and find Darius right now. He's going to spout some shit about me needing to rest for my well-being. He'll justify it by telling me that I'm his Luna and it's his job to protect me and take care of me. 

Luna - Beasts of Beauty Series - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now