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"Congratulations, Luna!"

If I have to hear one more person say those words I'm going to force you to shift so that I can barf, Eliza grumbles. Seriously, can no one think of something else to say? 

I want to scold her and tell her to be nice, but I honestly feel the same way. It's been hours upon hours of mingling with my pack and nearly every person has said the same words to me. It's not that I don't love meeting all of them or hearing their praise, it's just so repetitive. I'm tired. 

The bodice on this dress is a tad snug, which wouldn't normally be a problem; I've just been in it all night long. The longer the night goes on, the tighter the dress feels and the more restless my magic gets. I've been playing with the air around Sam and I in an attempt to release some tension, but it's not working so much anymore.

Nonetheless, I smile, take hold of the handsome wolf's hand, and as genuinely as I can, I say, "Thank you." He smiles brilliantly, unfazed by the low growl Sam releases involuntarily from my side. He's been doing that every time I shake a man's hand. Some wolves find it as amusing as I do while other wolves find it terrifying and flinch away from me immediately. 

Part of me feels as if I should be annoyed about his continuous reaction. Though, I know it's mostly Leo and he can't really control it. Besides, his quiet growls are very subtle; he could be so much worse. I also happen to find it incredibly sexy. 

Shake another man's hand, Eliza demands, replaying Sam's growl in my head. I want to hear him growl. We both chuckle and I glance over at him. Ugh, I love him

Yeah, I know you do, I tell her, but don't get all mushy on me, now. It's weird coming from you. 

She all but rolls her eyes at me and I lean forward to press a light kiss to Sam's shoulder. The wolf before me compliments the ceremony before moving on. I glance around and by the look of it, I've probably spoken to most of the pack tonight. 

When we first arrived, the whole pack was ready to celebrate their new Luna; we feasted, we danced, we mingled. 

It is getting pretty late now and there are far less people milling around the outdoor space than when we first came out. 

"Are you ready to go home?" Sam whispers in my ear. I follow his line of sight to see a few more wolves waving their goodbyes as they leave the dying party. I turn back to Sam and hesitate. 

Furrowing my eyebrows, I ask, "Won't it be rude if I leave before everyone else?" He smiles gently and only shakes his head. I look around the room one more time. There aren't many people left and most people are deep into their own conversations. 

"Some wolves think it's rude that I've let my Luna stay out so late when she's clearly exhausted," Sam counters, wrapping an arm snug around my shoulder. "Come, ae lae, no one thinks you're rude and they have the rest of their lives to talk to you." He nearly growls as he adds, "I want you now." 

My body warms at his words and reacts even more when Eliza reminds me that he mentioned he had a surprise for me. I nod my head and allow him to start leading me away from the lazing celebration. A few wolves notice our departure and pause to bid a farewell and wish us a good night. 

After a short walk, we arrive back at home. Sam allows me to walk in ahead of him and locks the door behind him. I immediately begin slipping my gown off my shoulders. I cannot wait another second to let my lungs breathe a full breath of air. 

I hear a growl from behind me before the sleeves even hit my elbows. A smirk plays on my face at Sam's reaction and I stop my movements. 

"That impatient, huh?" Sam asks and I feel him step closer to me. "Not even undoing the buttons?" His hands rest firmly on my hips and he pulls me into him, nuzzling his nose in my hair. He inhales deeply before trailing his fingers up my back, skillfully opening up the back of my gown. A shiver runs down my spine and my breath catches in my throat.

Luna - Beasts of Beauty Series - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now