Chapter Four

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"I need to go for a bit," Asher announces, interrupting my breakfast. He looks at me with sad eyes as I mess with the last couple bites of my food. He hasn't mentioned the newest wave of torture my body experienced last night and I am grateful for that. I don't want to think about Evander with other women. I swallow a bite of toast, trying to ignore the nagging pain in my abdomen. "The party is tomorrow and I am helping Evander finalize plans with the Red Moon Pack," he explains. So, I won't be able to use him as a source of comfort as I had been, is what he is saying.

For the last couple days I would mostly stay in my room or in Asher's office while he does his work. I gave Marianne the list of herbs we could plant in her garden, but we're waiting on her parents to send the seeds and she's been busy planning the party. The thought of interacting with other people hadn't really intrigued me so I've been avoiding it.

It has been lonely, though.

"What do you want to do today?" Asher's voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

I look at him for a moment as I think it over. I'm sure he's anticipating me going back to my room.

What do I want to do today?


Nothing matters.

Last night, I woke once again to excruciating pain. I knew exactly what was causing it. I knew every time he kissed her neck, I felt every time his hands would trail down her chest. I knew they were finally finished when the weight of their release settled like a rock in my stomach.

"Can I just explore the house?" I ask Asher finally, not wanting to make him wait on me. As used to this numb, lonely feeling as I am, I should get out and explore a little. Seeing people might be good for me. I never did feel up for a tour the other day. Maybe I can wander and find the library.

Asher hesitates for a moment before nodding once. He gathers his dishes while he thinks for a moment.

"That should be fine. Just a couple, I guess rules, for lack of a better term," he begins. I nod my head, indicating for him to continue. "Stay off the fourth floor," he instructs, the look in his eye leads me to believe that maybe that's where Evander's room is. "Also, the rest of the pack has access to the ground floor, so wander at your own risk." I nod in understanding.

"Anything else?" I ask, gathering my own plate. I managed to finish my whole breakfast this time. A small part of me tries to tell me that this isn't something to be celebrating, but I push it away. I allow the pride to swell in my chest as I look at the empty plate.

"No," he says after a moment of thought. "You finished your plate," he points out, gesturing to my empty plate. He must have noticed me admiring my work.


He looks as if he wants to say more but decides against it.

"I've got to go," he settles on saying. "Have a good day."

With that, he turns and leaves the room. Straight to it this morning, then. I pick up my plate and wander into the kitchen to see a blond woman standing at the counter washing some dishes.

"Are you done with that, miss?" she asks, glancing down at my plate before looking back at the sink.

"Oh, yes," I tell her. She must be a maid for the house. Does she get paid as an employee, or is she more of a servant?

"I'll take it for you," she offers when I don't move.

"Of course, I'm sorry," I rush out, bringing her the plate. "What's your name?"

Luna - Beasts of Beauty Series - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now