Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Author's P.O.V*

"Yes. Our child never got the chance to fully develop and see my face or experience the undying love I was going to give them." Zayn says with his voice going shaky towards the end.

"What do you mean by murdered?" Niall asks, hoping his thoughts won't be confirmed.

"He aborted our baby." Zayn answers, wanting to vomit from even saying the word aborted.

"I wasn't ready to become a parent on my own." Harry defends quietly, wrapping his arms around his stomach.

"I don't fucking care! I could have taken care of them! All you had to do was give me full custody of them and you would have never heard from me or them again!" Zayn shouts, his face turning red with anger.

"How was I suppose to know that? You were a one night stand that I never saw or heard from after that night!" Harry yells back, wishing he could just disappear now.

"It should have been you that died." Zayn states and the room goes still.

"It's his body. You have no right telling him th-" Niall tries to say but Zayn just snaps.

"Neither one of you deserve to live. You're both so fucking selfish." Zayn says then smirks as he grips Niall's neck."It's only fair I take away your happiness since you took away mine."

The only thing that comes to his mind is pain as Niall and him drop to the floor but he doesn't release his grip. Punch after punch is given to his face but he doesn't let that stop him. Even as his nose start to bleed heavily from it, he doesn't give up. It kind of amazes him that Niall's punches hold this much power even though he's getting choked to death. He grunts as he is kneed in the stomach at least four times. He's sure that this time he is going to have a decent amount of bruises. Harry tries to pull him off but he uses one hand to keep him at bay. He needs Niall out of the picture. He can't properly torture Harry with him in the way all the time. The guy is fucking annoying anyway since he is such a goodie goodie.

"Zayn please! I'm the one you're after! Zayn!" Harry begs pulling at the back of Zayn's hoodie with all his might.

Now Zayn's face is covered with blood and scratches. He'll sacrifice his face if it means getting what he wants. A sigh of relief exits him as Niall's hands slowly slide off his face and his eyes close. He takes his hands from around his neck then let's his head hang. He feels a bunch of weight on his back and notices that it's Harry leaning on him as he sobs. That causes him to get up then spit some blood out of his mouth. The pain in his face is undetectable but he's sure he'll fill it in the morning. Just as Harry is about to cuddle up to his lover's body, he tugs him away. Harry starts to shove at his face and chest when he sees that they are heading out the room. He gives a shove strong enough to get free and uses that to drop to his knees next to Niall.

"Let me hold him please!" Harry pleads out as Zayn grabs his ankles before pulling him out of the room."No! Let me say my goodbye!"

"You're being very dramatic right now." Zayn responds dryly about ready to knock him unconscious again.

"I'm glad our child didn't get the chance to see what a fucking monster you are! I know they are just as glad as I am!" Harry screams and his ankles are let go all of a sudden.

He turns around quickly so he is sitting on his ass with his hands behind him to hold himself up. Slowly he starts to scoot himself back when he sees something in Zayn's eyes that he has never seen before. Something he thinks Zayn himself has never seen or felt before. That only means he is that much likely to end up like Niall in the next minute or so. His scooting speed starts to pick up once he sees him take the first step. All he needs to do is get to the room again and lock the door. That should buy him enough time to attempt to jump out the window. Just as he gets up to make a run for it, Zayn charges at him. He isn't quick enough as the back of his shirt is pull back. His body is turnt around and he stumbles to the side when he feels the back of Zayn's hand connect to his face. The impact is hard enough to cause blood to spill in his mouth.

"I loved our baby more than you ever did! Don't ever speak about them as if you knew them!" Zayn shouts before backhanding him again."You wanted to fight me one on one when I first entered so fucking fight back if you're that mad."

"I don't want to fight you. I just want Niall." Harry cries out, flinching when Zayn raises his hand again.

"Don't pull this soft shit now. I won't be tricked by you. You were brave just a few moments ago." Zayn says, ready to leave his face just as bloody as his own.

"I'll listen to anything you tell me but please let me have a moment with him." Harry replies, ignoring the awful taste of blood in his mouth.

"I couldn't have a moment with our baby so save your tears." Zayn responds before pushing him down the stairs.

Harry screams on his way down until his body slams onto the floor. A second doesn't go by before he feels a searing pain in his back. As he tries to sit up, he notices that he dislocated his left ankle. Though his chances are very slim now, he still makes an effort to crawl to the front door. The sound of the stairs slowly creaking one by one scares him to his core. The noise stops after a while but that doesn't get him to look over his shoulder. If he would have, he could have stop Zayn's boot from pressing down on his back. He screams out as the pain in that area intensify. This is the worst he has ever felt because his mind, body, soul, and emotions hurt like no other. He'll never be able to recover from this no matter how many years it takes. He whimpers when Zayn's boot is removed but the tip of it lifts his head up by his chin.

"You may feel like shit right now but just know I plan on making you feel utterly worthless and useless." Zayn says so glad that he isn't fazed by the puppy dog face Harry is giving him.

"Plea-" Harry goes to say but Zayn quietly hushes him.

"It's better to be seen and not heard." Zayn tells him then removing his boot."You look so pretty with blood leaking out of your mouth."

"Za-" Harry tries one more time but he passes out with his bloody hand landing on his boot.

"Down to the basement we go." Zayn says while putting him over his shoulder and entering the cold and dark room.




Thoughts??? You guys want a Zarry flashback chapter next???


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