Chapter 10 (!)

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Chapter 10 (!)

*Author's P.O.V*

Zayn stands off to the side with his hands in his pockets as he watches the groom make fun of himself on the dancefloor along with his friends. Though his body language makes it seem as if he isn't having fun, he most definitely is. A warm presence suddenly appears near him. That's soon followed by a sweet scent that he can't make out. It doesn't stay on his mind for too long since he sees someone stand next to him from the corner of his eye. He doesn't know why but he feels the need to fix his posture while relaxing his body. He doesn't look at whoever because they just might be looking for someone. As the seconds slowly ticked by, that become turn. The stranger bumps his shoulder with his to get his attention. Upon eye contact the warmth swallows him.

"May I ask how do you know the bride?" Harry asks then sipping the last of his champagne.

"I use to work with her at a tech shop. She was the only one there that was passionate about technology like me." Zayn informs, nodding his head to her.

"Ohhh so you're smart too. I love guys with big brains." Harry tells him, a bit confused when the stranger smirks at him.

"I take it that big brains means something else." Zayn says, already so fascinated by him.

"No. What else could it possibly- oh my god. I swear that wasn't my intention." Harry responds with his face turning red in embarrassment.

"If it was, then I wouldn't be mad at it." Zayn reassures him then giving him a wink.

The connection between them comes about so fast. Faster than anything that they felt with anyone else. It is like they are looking into a mirror. They wouldn't be surprised if they found out that they have a lot in common. It's as if they were suppose to meet for this very night. Was it to become the best of friends? Lovers? Coworkers? It may have to do with the fact that both of their lives were pretty boring or average until now. Call it cliché but the noise around them seem to disappear. Their bodies even face away from everyone else and turn to each other. Maybe coming to this wedding wasn't such a bad thing after all.

"I'm Zayn by the way but you can call me whatever you like." Zayn states, holding out his hand.

"I will keep that in mind. I'm Harry." Harry responds before gripping his hand and shaking it.

"I would just like to point out that I think you're the greatest dancer out of everyone here." Zayn whispers to him and erupts in laughter when Harry gasps.

"It was the champagne and the bride wanted me to dance with her so bad." Harry explains, covering his face with his free hand.

"That doesn't mean you weren't great. I wish I could dance as good as you." Zayn replies, removing his hand then patting his shoulder.

"Maybe someday I'll teach you some moves." Harry says before biting his bottom lip.

The conversation goes silent after that for a while but it isn't awkward. Not in the slightest bit. They know that they want each other. It doesn't a genius to put that together. Though they know that, they also just enjoy each other's presence a lot. Neither one of them are too overbearing, cocky, or weird. They both give off a curious, cozy, and silly feeling. Zayn doesn't make a move to take things further because he wants to leave that up to Harry. If nothing happens between them, he is perfectly okay with that. Harry, on the other hand, is a bit nervous about this because he's just use to being in relationships. Additionally, he has never been the one to ask someone if they want to hookup.

"I know that this is so random but would you like to go back to my hotel room?" Harry questions while sitting his glass down on a random table.

"More than anything in the world." Zayn answers, motioning for him to lead the way.

They bid their goodbyes to the bride and groom then leave the fancy building. The night life is so alive as they walk down the street with their arms intertwine. Different types of music can be heard from different bars. People stumble and giggle down the streets while being drunk out of their minds. It seem like a festival was going on. The walk is short lived since Harry's hotel is very close. They enjoyed the nice stroll nonetheless. Once they enter the room, they strip themselves of their jackets and shoes. They kiss briefly then stop to look at each other. They didn't need a verbal consent because it's so well written in their eyes and smile. With that, they continue to kiss until both of their shirts and pants are on the carpet. Soon enough, they are on the bed with Harry on his back and Zayn on top of him.

"You know you're the prettiest guy I've ever hooked up with." Zayn says, swiping his thumb across Harry's red and plump bottom lip.

"You're the first guy I've ever hooked up with." Harry responds before laughing a bit when he sees those brown eyes grow wide.

"I'm honored. I'll make sure that you enjoy this to the fullest." Zayn replies then leaning forward to capture his lips again.

Their boxers come off shortly after and a packet of lube is taken out of the dresser. Courtesy of the hotel. Zayn preps one of his fingers then slowly insert it inside of Harry. He makes sure to keep his attention by gently kissing and sucking along his neck. No kiss felt different from the other. Every area of his skin receive the same amount of care. One finger turns to two then three shortly after. There isn't much lube left but he uses the remaining bit to cover his dick. Bit by bit he enters him until he can't anymore. For the first thirty seconds, his thrusts are very slow so Harry can adjust to him. He starts to go a bit faster but nothing that Harry couldn't handle. He likes to be considerate. They honestly enjoy that for the next five minutes.

"You look beautiful before but right now you look ten times as beautiful." Zayn states as he gives him a few pecks on the lips.

"You know you don't have to compliment me so much." Harry says, wrapping his arms around his neck.

"As you wish." Zayn responds as he pushes one of his knees to his chest."Mind if I go a bit harder?"

"No. I'm okay with whatever you want to do." Harry answers then gasping when he feels just how deep Zayn can go.

"Don't regret those words later." Zayn states, biting his bottom at how good the younger male feels.

"I won't if you keep fucking me like this." Harry moans out, letting out a cry next when his prostate it press against.

"That's the sound I'm looking for." Zayn replies before leaning down to suck on his nipples.

"Fuck just like that." Harry whimpers out, tightly fisting some of his hair.

They are grateful that there isn't a headboard but that doesn't mean the bed isn't squeaking. In fact, it is the third loudest sound compared to their moans and skin slapping against each other. Harry was certain whoever he hooked up with next will have to go above and beyond. Every doubt, worry, sadness, fear, and anger is fucked out of him in those ten minutes. They try to hold off as much as they can but there is just too much pleasure coursing through them. They orgasm ten seconds apart from each other with loud moans. All that is heard now is their heavy panting. Zayn is about to pull out but Harry turns them over so he's on top now. He thinks that something else is about to happen but Harry just lays on him with his dick still inside. He feels him start to nibble on his ear and he thinks that's the cutest thing ever.

"Don't leave just yet." Harry pleads then returning to his ear nibbling.

"Then I won't." Zayn says before closing his eyes with a smile on his face."The night is still young anyway."




Thoughts??? That was bad wasn't it???😔😔😔


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