Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

*Author's P.O.V*

Their eyes go over to the blanket that's on top of Niall to see it moving. Zayn is too focused on it to notice that Harry isn't reacting at all. In his mind, the only thing he can think of is a zombie. The groans from the blanket make it seem very likely. There is no way that this guy can be dead for three days then wake up all fine and dandy. Passing out can't be an answer for it either since he could have woken up a long time ago. Playing dead isn't a good answer either since he could have sneak attacked him multiple times. A coma maybe? If he actually is alive, then he must have some brain damage. Niall sits up with the blanket falling off of him. He rubs at his eyes and let's out a yawn. Once he's done, he sees two pairs of eyes staring at him.

"How the fuck are you alive right now?" Zayn asks, really grateful that he isn't an actual killer now.

"I told you already. I won't let myself die unless I know Harry is alright." Niall answers, his voice scratchy and deep.

"You knew this whole fucking time didn't you pretty boy?" Zayn questions with his body relaxing.

"The moment I put my head on his chest in the hallway I knew. His heartbeat was faint but still there." Harry confesses as his lover scoots over to him.

"Your recent behavior explains that so much better now. Nice fucking play." Zayn says, patting him on the back.

"Did you two become buddies when I was out?" Niall asks, attempting to get up but immediately stops at how dizzy he gets.

"No. He's just behaving weirdly. Even I'm still not use to it yet." Harry informs as his lover rests his head on his lap and grab his hand.

Their fingers intertwine and they just sit there. They wait on Zayn to make the first moves. They really don't have to do anything anymore. Though Niall may not know what his boyfriend has planned, he knows it'll get them out of this. This isn't his fight. Meanwhile, Zayn is searching on his phone on how the Irishman is alive. He finds the answer and it makes him roll his eyes. He choked him into a fucking three day coma. He should have confirmed himself that he was actually dead. At least he knows that he won't be a threat since he lost an incredibly amount of energy. Unknown to them, a car pulls into the driveway. The man inside gets out and heads to the front door, missing the unfamiliar car parked directly in front of the house. He looks at the windows for any signs of life but can't find anything.

"Niall I'm not leaving till you open this door! Your car is still in the driveway!" The male shouts while beating on the front.

"Who the fuck is that leprechaun?" Zayn asks, pulling his phone out of his pocket to see if he received any texts from this stranger.

"My friend Liam. He's pretty persistent so good luck with that." Niall tells him as the brown eye male growls while shoving his phone into his pocket.

"If you want to keep him alive, I suggest you shut the fuck up." Zayn threatens then leaving the room.

He locks the basement door and runs up the stairs to the bedroom. He goes into the closet, grabbing some sweatpants and a plain blue shirt. All he can hope for is that his wounds don't start to bleed through the shirt. As quickly as he can, he gets dress and rush down the stairs. On the way to the front door, he fixes a few pieces of furniture as best as he can. He puts a bright smile on his face just as he opens the door with his eyes immediately spotting that Harry's car isn't here. Perfect. That's all he needs. As long as this guy doesn't attempt to step into the house then everything should go smoothly. His eyes quickly fall onto the taller male that is taken surprise by his presence. He leans against the doorframe with his arms crossing over his chest.

"I'm sorry but he currently isn't here. He let me use this nice place as an airbnb while he is on vacation with his boyfriend I think." Zayn explains then pretending to yawn.

"Can I get your name so I can confirm that with him?" Liam asks, trying to see into the house but Zayn's body does a good job at blocking his view.

"It's Zayn." Zayn answers, holding eye contact just to show how serious he is.

"Were you here a day ago?" Liam questions, going to text Niall but he receives an answer very quickly.

"No. I was out most of the day touring the city." Zayn informs and Liam's body seems more friendly as he smiles.

"Sorry to bother you then. Enjoy the rest of your stay." Liam says, shaking his hand firmly.

"You didn't bother me at all. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day too." Zayn responds as the unsuspecting male turns to leave.

He watches him leave with his smile not leaving his face. To come across even more genuine, he waves at him. Surprisingly he receives a wave back. The moment Liam's car disappears around a corner his face goes blank. That was way too fucking close. That guy definitely isn't dumb. He's probably super fucking strong too so it's best he avoids pissing him off. He slams the front door shut then locks it. A few minutes later is when he receives a text message from Liam. As expected he is asking Niall if he knows a Zayn and why he isn't answering his calls. He confirms it while also saying he's been busy with Harry and his work. That seems like a proper Niall response to him. He goes into the basement again and see the couple in their same spot. He goes to complain but Harry cuts him off.

"Whatever happens, can we please just have one last meal?" Harry questions, not bothering to look at him but at his lover.

"There isn't much in there for us to eat but I guess I'll see what the hell I can do." Zayn answers, ready to leave this house for good.

"Thank you." Harry states and that stops him from leaving.

"See now I have to search the damn room because of that." Zayn informs, looking through every shelf and box.

"It's called having human decency. Like you said before, I have given up. There won't be any cheap tricks coming from me." Harry explains just as Zayn decides to leave the last box alone.

"You say that now but since your bitchy boyfriend is alive apparently you may change your mind." Zayn replies and Niall doesn't say anything as he closes his eyes.

"My injuries won't allow me to get an advantage over you if I did attempt something and Niall is severely weak. You're being paranoid over nothing." Harry responds before sighing deeply.

"I'll believe you this one time. Don't make me regret it pretty boy." Zayn says as he leaves the room.




Thoughts??? I know nobody may think this but I just want y'all to know I didn't come up with this story because of Zigi's baby. I already had this planned out way before.


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