Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

*Author's P.O.V*

"Ever since I went through puberty, my doctor had told me that I had a five percent chance, at best, of getting someone pregnant." Zayn informs, standing up again and looking away from him.

"It all makes so much sense now." Harry whispers, casting his eyes down to the floor.

"I have had unprotected sex with a few males and females throughout my life and none of them had gotten pregnant. Me getting you pregnant was suppose to happen whether you believe it or not. You were on birth control yet I still managed to get you pregnant." Zayn explains, sensing the guilt coming off of him.

"I should have known from that night." Harry mumbles, the storm outside coming to a stop for once.

"I'm not evil. I swear it but finding out that you killed my only bloodline caused me to snap. I deserved to be a father." Zayn says, unknowingly sealing his fate.

"That's a bit of a stretch." Harry grumbles, trying his best to not let out a sarcastic laugh.

"I threw up for crying out loud after I killed your boyfriend. It was right after I put you in the basement. It was why I got drunk." Zayn confesses as he mentally prepares himself to push Harry away so he can continue moving Niall someplace else.

"Why couldn't you have just said that from the start?" Harry asks, feeling a little ping in his heart.

"If you couldn't tell by now, I'm fucking unstable pretty boy." Zayn answers while tapping at his temple.

Both of them are in deep thought after that. Most of Harry's thoughts are focus on this new information. If he would have known that night, he would have definitely gave the child to him. Now he feels bad because he is the reason that this is happening. He should have went through with it. Screw his body after the pregnancy, screw the depression.   and screw everything else that would have come along with it. He should have tried harder to find a way to contact Zayn. The urge to run away now is stronger than ever. He didn't think that he could feel this guilty towards him. It is a different type of guilt he felt when Niall found out about the baby. All he can do now is think about the aftermath of their one night stand.

Harry lays on his stomach with his arms folded on top of each other and his chin rest on top of them. He is still completely naked as he watches the television. Four times is how much many times that they had sex. It was all within a spam of three hours because they wanted to take their time and have reasonable breaks in between. That doesn't mean that his ass and legs doesn't feel like they are about to fall off. A sigh of relief leaves his mouth as he feels Zayn, who is also still naked, massaging his lower back while lightly kissing his upper back. Just from the kisses alone, he can fall asleep if he wanted to. The aftercare from their sex is something that he has never experience before. The way Zayn cleaned him up, fed him, and complimented him so much felt so surreal.

"You know that you don't have to do all of this." Harry states, hearing him laugh.

"I know I don't have to but I want to." Zayn tells him, smiling down at him even though he can't see it.

"Well you have to let me shower you with some type of attention at least." Harry responds, trying to get up but he is held down gently.

"No need. I have had my fair share so until that clock strikes twelve don't worry about a single thing." Zayn replies as the digital clock strikes eleven.

He knows absolutely nothing about this man but god does he have a way with his words and his hands. He starts to wonder what else he could possibly be good at. Most likely everything. He knows whoever that he ends up with will be so lucky. A gasp leaves his mouth when he is turn onto his back then pull into his lap. His head is tilted up before their lips connect for a sweet kiss. They stay like that for a few minutes then pull away. Though he won't see him anymore after this, he will make sure to enjoy every second of this. Deep down he doesn't think that he deserves this much special treatment. Not because he did anything bad but he just feels that he can save this for someone way more special than him. It honestly feels as if he is already in a relationship with him.

"I should have ordered us some food." Zayn says with a pout coming up on his face.

"I wouldn't have let you ordered some anyway so it's fine." Harry responds and Zayn lifts an eyebrow.

"You wouldn't have been able to stop me." Zayn tells him while playing with a piece of his hair.

"And why do you say that?" Harry asks as he gives him a challenging glare.

"I mean it is pretty obvious as to why you wouldn't." Zayn answers with his smirk on full display.

"So I'm just going to kindly call you out on your bluff. No hard feelings though." Harry replies, a playful look twinkling in his eyes.

"And fortunately for me I'm just gonna have to show you that I'm not." Zayn says before swiftly grabbing his wrists with one hand.

He closes his legs tightly so he has nowhere to run then he dips his head down to his neck. He starts to lick the side of his neck while he pinches his nipples with his other hand. No matter how much Harry squirmed and panted for him to stop he didn't. Not until he left him utterly weak and breathless. Maybe Harry did learn after all not to assume that he is bluffing. It doesn't take long for them to be cuddle up with each other, their legs tangled together and a random fantasy movie playing. How could they not with the way the mood is set right now. The clock strikes eleven thirty when Harry starts to close his eyes. There is no way that he can possibly stay awake no matter how hard he tries. He really wants to though so he can get to know this man better even if they lose contact with each other.

"I don't want you to get hurt so you can stay here with me until the morning comes." Harry says, throwing his arm around his waist.

"Sounds to me like you just want a human pillow for the night." Zayn responds, wrapping an arm around his shoulder.

"Yes but I'm also concerned about your wellbeing. It gets dangerous at night." Harry explains, his words becoming more slurred and quiet.

"I'm just joking. If this is the last time that I'm going to talk to you then, I'm glad to have made your first hookup amazing." Zayn tells him, closing his own eyes and letting sleep take him.




Thoughts??? First time, technically second, where y'all couldn't guess the plot. I'm so happy.😭


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