Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Jay's POV

It was just another work moarning like all the others, I was sat at my desk doing some paperwork when Voight stormed into the bullpen with a bunch of pictures in his hand.

"We got a case. This is Bruno Gonçalves, he's a portuguese immigrant and has been living in chicago for the last 5 years. Now, this 6 people have all died in the last week
after consuming cocaine that was mixed with a deadly chemical, and my CI told me Bruno is the one who's getting the bad dope in the streets."

"I've never heard of him before, boss. Are you sure that's our guy? I mean it's more likely that this is just another gang tring to screw a rival. " Adam asked.

"Yes, I'm sure he's our guy, that's how he plays his game and why you've never hears of him before. He Keeps it low, under the radar, only works with people he trusts and knows, including his 13 years old daughter, Laura."

"So you're saying that basicly his 'right hand man' is his teenage daughter?" I asked clueless, because everytime I started to think I could understand criminals, some random dude came up with something incredebly stupid.

"Yes, and her is exactly what we are going to use to catch this man. Laura has already got a criminal record, minor drug possession, carjacking but the most surprising, last year she went to juvy for 3 months after stabbing her own father. The detectives talked to the neighbours and they told them that the father was always yelling and beating her, but since Laura didn't want to snitch on her own father, he wasn't acused of anything and she took the hit for him."

"She's a tough kid, takes a lot of courage to do something like that to your own father, but if she didn't rat on him back at that time way would she do it now?" Hailey asked, cases with abused kids always got to her more than to anyone else because of the past she had with her abusing father.

"Beacuse this time, she's one more arrest away of getting deported back to Portugal and only being able to come back to the USA when she turns 18"

" Well that is pretty scaring, I wouldn't even dare to jump a fence if getting deported was in the line." Rojas said.

"Exactly, but fortunately for us Laura doesn't think that way and, according to my CI, every afternoon after school, Laura works in the street cornor selling dope. So the plan is simple, we catch her with the hand in the cookie jar and then use Laura to get to her father."

"Got it boss, me and Hailey will watch her from our car and when the time's right will bring her in."
And just like that me and Hailey jumped of our chairs and went downstaris do get the car. Hailey was really quiet, which wasn't usual and her bright smile had turned into a sad face while she walked next to me looking at the floor.

"What's bothering you?" I asked while I got into the car.

"It's just this girl, she's just 13 and basically throwing her life away because of a father that doesn't even care about her or loves ger either. How couldn't the social services do something to help her, I mean she stabbed her own father, for god sakes! If that isn't a clear 'crying for help than I have know idea of what's going on!"

Hailey had tears almost falling from her eyes and the look of sadness in her face broke my heart.

"I know, but maybe if this case goes as planned she can start a new and better life, the system failled to help her once but maybe with her father away forever it'll be different."
Hailey smilled at me and kept starring at the car window as we arrived at the street cornor from the suspect's house.

In front of me there was a small girl that didn't even looked like she was 13, she had a blond almost brown hair and was wearing some old black sweatpants, a pair of worn out Adidas and an extremely oversize light green jacket, which I assumed it belongged to her dad, the son of a bitch didn't even bother to buy her clothes.

"Well that's her now we just need to wait for the right moment to make a move".

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