Chapter 17: It's Why I Love You

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Jay's POV

The warm rays of sun light hit my face as I slowly opened my eyes, taking in the place where I was. I rolled in bed, turning to my side to see Hailey peacefully sleeping with her blond hair covering her face and pillow. I gently stroked the hair out of her face and kissed her on the forehead before getting up to go and make some coffee before she was awake.

I returned to the room a few minuts later to see Hailey starting to wake up, I placed the mugs on the night stand and gently but passionately started to kiss her. Starting with her hands, that once kept me alive, up to her neck and then her lips that I loved so much.

"Moarning." She said with a hoarse but beautiful voice.

"Good moarning. You slept alright?"

"Of course, it's hard not to with you by my side." Hailey said smilling while she leaned her head against my chest and I slowly started to rub her bare back, drawaing random patterns with my fingers.

"Last night was pretty good." I finnaly spoke after a few seconds of silence. The truth is I love Hailey, but I didn't know if she loved me back and, maybe for her, all the events from last night were just some kind of stress reliever from everything that had happened in the last week.

"Yes, it was. And Jay, I've wanted to tell you this for a long time, I love you, I really do. I just can't imagin living without you anymore, I remember the time you got shot I was so distraught that I couldn't even talk, so I just cried. I cried because I couldn't lose you and I knew that, I've been wanting to tell you this ever since that day, but I never had the courage to do it. I love you Jay!"

"I love you too, Hailey. When I first realised what I felt for you I tryed to push it away, maybe if I ignored it it would go away. Honestly, after everything that happened between me and Erin I was a little scared of starting a relationship with another coworker, but I couldn't push it away. What I feel for you is too strong to be pushed away."

"I'm glad we're finally being honest with eachother."

"Yeah, me too. I made you coffee by the way, I thought it would be romantic." I said kissing Hailey and giving her a mug with.

"Thank you. Is Laura awake already?"

"No, I went to her room after I woke up and she was still asleep. You think she heard us last night?"

"God, I hope not!" Hailey said laughing and almost choking on her coffee.

We kept laughing and talking for a while until we finally got out of bed and Hailey went to have a shower.

"Can you go wake up Laura? It's almost 10 and she needs to take some meds and change her bandages." I heard Hailey saying while she was in the bathroom.

"On my way."

I finished getting dressed and then went to Laura's room to see her still asleep. I didn't want to scare her, already knowing how some thing still scare her a lot, so I grabbed one of her hands with one of mine and used the other to gently rub her back, being careful to avoid the spot where she had been stabbed.

"Good moarning." I said when she finally opened her eyes.

"Jay?" She asked confused.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Why are you here? I thought I was going to Hailey's house."

"We are at Hailey's house, I just spent the night here."

"Like together, in the same bed?" She asked smirking at me.

"No, it's not that. Let's just get you out of bed and we'll talk later. Hailey said you needed to take some meds."

"Yeah, and change the bandages I know." Laura said getting out of bed, but loosing her balance as soon as she touched the ground.

"Be careful, you don't need to be back at the hospital so soon. Do you want my help?"

"Yes please." She said looking down embarassed.

"Hey, it's okay. There's nothing wrong about asking for help." I told Laura while I lifted her from the ground and carried her downstairs to the couch where I layed her. "You need to eat before you take the meds, so what do you want for breakfast?"

"I'm okay like this, I never have breakfast mostly of times."

"What do you mean you don't have breakfast? Everyone needs to have breakfast."

"Food is expensive and I don't have enough money and dad never allowed me eat from his food so, no breakfast."

I was clueless, not believing on what I had just heard. The more I knew this man, the more I hated him. I mean what kind of father doesn't feed his own kid?

"Well that changes now. So what do you want to eat? I can make some pancakes or cereal and there's some orange juice in the fridge."

"I like coffee, if that's ok." She said looking at me.

"Coffee? You're 13!"

"I like it."

"Well, coffee it is, just don't tell Hailey. What else?"

"Bread, with cheese please."

"God, you're so european." I said laughing as she threw a pillow at me.

I stood up and went to prepare her breakfast. I poured the coffee into a mug and added some milk so that it wouldn't be that strong and then put the bread in a plate and some cheese on top of it and gave it to Laura.

I sat next to her on the couch in silence while she slowly ate her food, taking in the flavour with every bite. Laura was finishing eating her meal and taking her meds when Hailey came down the stairs. Her hair still wet in a messy bun and wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, she couldn't look more beautiful.

"Hey Laura how are you doing? You slept alright?" Hailey asked sitting next to her.

"Yes, thank you for letting me stay and for the food and clothes too, you didn't need to do all of that."

"We've talked about this, you don't need to thank me." Hailey told her while she placed her hand on her leg squeezing it. "You can go have a shower if you want, I put a towel on your bed and you still have some clothes in your bag."

"I think I will, thanks."

"It's okay, call me after you finish so that I can change your bandages. Do you need any help?" Hailey asked Laura while she helped her standing up.

"I think I can handle it, but thank you anyways."

"Of course, me and Jay will be down here if you need anything."

We watched Laura slowly climbing up the stairs, ready to help her if anything happened. Seeing her struggling to do the simplest things hurt me, when I first met her, she was ready to fight me but now she could barely walk.

"What's on your mind?" Hailey asked me while she leaned her head against my shoulder and played with my fingers.

"Laura, it's hard seeing her like this. I just wish I could have stopped all of this mess from happening, she's in so much pain and I'm here not being able to do anything for her."

"It wasn't your fault Jay, we all failed. But now we can help her getting through this and find a new family that will love her the way she deserves. You're a good man Jay, always caring about the others, even more than yourself some times, and I love you for that."

"I love you too, I just wished there was more I could do."

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