Chapter 6: The Phone Call

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Laura's POV

"Do you think I'm stupid?!? That wasn't our deal!!"

I woke up terrified with my dad screaming on the phone with someone, I quickly got up and tried to understand what was going on around but that's when I realised it was only 4am. I was about to try to go back to sleep when I heard him talking about a drug deal he was trying to make. Trying my best not to make any noise, I slowly leaned against the old wall that had a few holes and I tryed to hear what he was saying.

"I want 2 kg of cocaine for the same price as last time, just like how the deal was."

"The deal was also not leaving any evidence and yet there are 6 people dead."

The house was so quiet that I could hear the other person talking to him, but didn't know who it was.

"And how the fuck is that even my fault?!? It's not up to me that some junkies can't do the math right and end up taking way to much drugs."

"It's your fault when you start adding other products to the drugs I sold you, so that you can have more proffit. So the new price is 32 grand, take it or leave it, cause I got other important things to do than making deals with a dumbass who doens't even know how to run his business."

"What did you just call me?!?"

"You heard me, so how's it gonna be?"

"I'll take it, but don't dare to call me that again, or you'll regret it."

"Yeah, whatever. I'll text you when and where."

"Fine by me."

After the call ended I heard my father swearing and complayning about a bunch of things as I slowly tryed to go back to sleep again.

When I woke up next moarning I texted Hailey telling her I had some useful information about my dad and she answered me back telling me that she'd meet me after school.

I didn't tell her about this, but since my brusing from the beating was still visible, I had been skiping school, I didn't do anything wrong during the time I should be in class but hearing a lecture from a cop about the importance of going to school wasn't exactly funny. Missing school had become something a little too usual for me, between my father's rage atacks that always ended up with me having a black eye and the fact that he also force me to deal drugs for him, I sometimes just vanished from school during a week or at certain times for even more.

"Laura, I'm going out!" I heard my dad say as he got out of the house, "Don't take any money from my drawer."


A while after my dad left I grabbed my snickers and jacket and went to meet my frinds. I live in an poor immigrants neighborhood and we are all very close, when I arrived at Chicago 8 years ago, my mom had just died and they had all helped me overcoming her loss, since my father never cared about how I felt, he still doens't. I really misse her, she was the only one who could calm my dad down when his rage took over him but now she was gone, someone had murdered her and I didn't even have time to say goodbye to her.

The time went by fast and when lunch time arrived, I went to meet Hailey at the café where she said she'd be expecting me. When I got there mostly of the people stared at me, since I was a young girl with my face all bruised and was wearing old and oversized clothes. The way people look  at me doens't even bother me anymore, it has became something very usual over the past few years. I quickly sppoted Hailey and went to seat at her table.

"Laura, how you're doing?"

"Better I guess, the bruises are going away which is good and it almost doesn't hurt anymore."

"Have you had any trouble breathing or pain?"

"No, I'm alright, you don't need to worry about it."

"I do actually, but that's good, I'm really happy you're ok!"


"So you said you had something to tell me?"

"Yes, so yesterday I heard my dad talking on the phone, and from what I understood he was making a drug deal or at least it sounded like it."

"Okay, did he say when?"

"No, dad said the other man would text him about when and where, but I don't think my dad has enough money to make the deal right now."

"Why's that?"

"Because th other dude asked him 32 thousand dollars for 2 kilos of cocaine, my dad doens't have that much money and besides I'm the one who sells his drugs and right now there hasn't had a lot of clients. I think people got a little scared after those 6 people died."

"Makes sense, do you know who the other man was?"

"No, I'd never heard him before."

"Ok, well we don't have access to your dad's phone, so you're the one who's gonna need to tell us about the deal when the time comes, okay?"

"What do you mean it's going to be me? I can't touch my dad's phone, I'm not allowed and if he found me he'd kill me because he would have thought I was sniching on him, which I am by the way."

"Laura I know it's risky, but this is our only shot. Wait for him to go to sleep or get into the shower and then check his text messages, I swear that's all you've got to do, the rest is up to us."

"It's all very simple when you cops talk about it."

"Calm down, people are starring, just wait for the right moment and then do it."

"I need to go Hailey, I'll see what I can do. My dad went out this moarning and he's only coming back in a couple of days, so you'll need to wait."

"Yeah, that's ok, just stay safe."

"It's what i'm trying to do."

"You know, it might not look like it, but what you're doing is very brave."

"Ye well, I just hope it's not the last thing I do."


AN.: that was chapter 6, thank you for reading I hope you're enjoying it, vote and comment if you want:)

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