Chapter 7: The Plan

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Hailey's POV

It had been two days since I last talked to Laura, her dad had been out of town and came back today. The hate we all feel for him and the need to arrest him had increased in the last couple of days since other two people had showed up dead, but what worried me the most was Laura's safety. We all knew what that man was capable of, but right now the only way to try to get him was by making Laura check his phone, no one enjoyed the plan, but it was our only shot. While I was stuck in my thoughts Jay started to update the team.

"Okay, so Bruno returned to Chicago this moarning and acording to Laura he went out to Milwaukee to get cash to make the deal, so it is defenetly going to happen, we don't know when or where. And that's where Laura comes in, she's going to try to check his phone and then she'll tell us the details about the meeting."

"Exactly, the only problem is that Bruno is very protective over his phone, since it is what he uses to run his little drug business and Laura doesn't know if she'll be able to check it without him noticing."

Me and Jay had just finished explaining the plan and the team was looking at us, because like everyone would have thought, this is an extremely dangerous and almost impossible plan.

"Alright, so basically the future of the case is in the hands of a 13 years old, if she gets the phone we make an arrest and if she doesn't, Bruno walks free and more people die. What can possibly go wrong?" Adam said in a sarcastic tone.

"It's not just the future of the case that's in stake, it's also Laura's safety. Or am I the only one who remebers what the motherfucker did to her just because he thought she'd stolen his money?" I don't like this plan, so many things could go wrong and the last thing I want is Laura getting hurt again, or even worse, Laura getting killed by her own father.

"Hailey I know you're worried about her but this is our only shot, we've done this before and nothing bad happened. We all care about Laura and her well-being, but right now we're out of options and people keep getting killed because of this drugs."

"With all due respect sergeant, I think we should try a different approache on this case, if we waited a little longer we could get the resources to get into his phone and that way Laura wouldn't be in danger."

"We don't have a little longer Hailey, people keep showing up dead in the streets and Bruno just went to get  the money to buy even more drugs. If we don't get him as soon as possible, more people will die."

"You say that because you didn't see the look on that girl's face when I told her what she needed to do, or when her father used her as his punching bag. She was terrified and that's because she knows what that man is capable of, we all do and I'm sure we can find a different way to do this we just need a little more time and preparation."

"Hailey that's it. We are doing it this way, I know it's dangerous, I know it's risky and that you don't want to play it like this, but it is exacly what we're going to do. Now, I want all of you back to work we've got a case to work on, end of discussion."

"It's your fault if anything happens to her!" I yelled at Voigh before I stormed out of the bullpen.

I couldn't hold my tears back so they just fell from my eyes, Jay was right behind me and tried to comfort me but my feelings were overtaking me.

"Hey look at me, nothing bad is gonna  happen, I know it's dangerous and that you're worried, we all are, but you need to think positive. Laura is smart and strong, she has already proved it to us before and if, eventually, something goes wrong we'll be there for her."

"We weren't there for her last time Jay, she was beaten up by her own fatger, it was our job to protect her and we failled."

"I know, but this time is different, I know you really like this girl and don't want anything bad happening to her, but you can't be already thinking of the worst."

"Yeah, I just feel like something bad's gonna happen and then I'd never forgive myself ."

"I know you do, but that's what I'm here for, to suport you and also to assure you that nothing bad's gonna happen."

Jay hugged me and I just let the tears roll down my face, we stayed like this for a little longer until I calmed down and then got into the car driving to Laura's house so that we could be ready in case something happens. During the entire ride I couldn't relieve the feeling of something bad happening to Laura because of me, I just hope she knows what she's doing.

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