Chapter 12: Found

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Jay's POV

After some minuts of driving reckless through the streets, speeding as much as possible and skipping all the red lights on our way, we finally arrived at the junkyard where we suspected Laura was. Voight got out of his SUV followed by the rest of the team and a few other officers and started to explain the searching plan.

"Alright so, we'll separate in 5 teams so that we can cover as much ground as possible, there are no security cameras or witnesses so where gonna have to search everywhere. I have also requested for an ambulance in case Laura needs immediate care, but because there was a big fire in a warehouse, there wasn't any avaiable. So I want Halstead and Hailey, Kim and Adam and Kevin and Vanessa, I'll go with some officers and we still have the canine unit, we suspect that Laura is badly injured and so we need to find her fast. Let's go!"

The time went by fast and I was starting to get even more nervous. We were all searching for Laura, more officers had been called to help, but we still had no luck finding her. After searching inside of a row of containers without finding anything I went back to where Hailey was checking the abandoned cars and that's when I saw it. There was blood on the floor coming out of a pile of old tires, when I got closer to it, the sight in front of made me feel sick.
Laura was wrapped in black plastic bag, her wrists tied with rope and duck tape covering her mouth. I quickly radioed the team telling them what I had found and then carefully removed Laura of the plastic placing her on the floor relieved because she still had a pulse, weak but it was there. She had blood, cuts and bruises all over her face and arms and a stabbing wound on her back, that was still bleeding. I took the tape out of her mouth and saw her blue lips, I untied her hands and wrapped my jacket around her small and fragile body since she was only wearing her t-shirt, sweatpants and socks.

"Jay how is she?" I turned around and saw Hailey standing behind me already calling for an ambulance.

"Barely breathing, there's a stabbing wound on her back probably hit the lung and I think she's hypothermic."

"The ambulance is already coming, just make sure she doesn't stop breathing."

"We don't have enough time for an ambulance, she'll be dead before they even arrive. Just get the car and notify Med that were coming in with her!"

"No, it's safer to wait for the paramedics."

"Hailey, she's bleeding out! Just get the damn car!"

"Fine, just keep pressure on the wound."

"Yeah, I've got her, let's go!"

Will's POV

"Dr. Halstead, heads up! CPD is bringing in a girl 13 years old, beaten up, stabbing wound on her back, possible punctured lung and hypothermic, they are 2 minuts away!"

"Alright, I'm on it! Get me a trauma room ready and page Dr. Marcel just in case she needs surgery. I need blood ready for a rapid trasfusion and warm fluids to bring her temperature up."

"I've got it. April is with you, they are almost arriving!"

I was waiting in the emergency room for the police to arrive, ready to start treating the girl when I saw my brother running into the ER with a bloody young girl unconscious on his arms.

"Jay, what the hell?"

"It's Laura, Will! Take her she stopped breathing on the way here, I tryed to do CPR, but it's not working. You have to help her!"

"I've got her. April get me a crah cart!"

I took Laura out of Jay's arms and ran with her to the trauma room where I layed her on the bed and started to do cpr.

"Give 1 mg of epi and charge to 200 volts!"

"Meds are in!"


"Still no heart beat!"

I kept on doing CPR on Laura, pressing so hard on her little chest that we could all hear her ribs craking.

"C'mon on Laura, fight  damn it! Push another mg of epi!"

"We've got a synus rithm!"

"Alright, give me an intubation kit and get me 2 units of O-, she's loosing too much blood, I need the ultrassound machine to know where and an x-ray!"


"Let's get her to the OR, her spleen is ruptured, there's also a small bleeding in her stomach and the knife punctured the lung. We have to move, fast!"

"The hybrid OR is ready."

"Alright let's take her!"

I helped the nurses carry the gurney to the hybrid OR where Dr. Marcel had everything ready to start the surgery and then went to inform Jay about Laura. When I got to the waiting room I saw him still covered in Laura's blood and hugging Hailey, who was obviously crying.

"Jay, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Will, how's Laura?"

"So we were able to get her heartbeat back and she's in surgery now, but her injuries are bad and she has lost a lot of blood, so it's still too soon to make any predictions."

"But she could survive?" Hailey asked with her eyes red from crying looking straight at me.

"I can't promise you anything yet Hailey. Her spleen is ruptured, her right lung is damaged and she has multiple other injuries, not to mention the hypothermia and all the broken bones and the huge amount of blood she has lost, honestly, it's a miracle that she's still alive. Do you know who did this?"

"It was her dad, Will. He found out she was helping us."

"Did you get him?"

"Of course, and I might have broken him a few bones in the process."

"I'm glad you did."

I turned my back on them and started to leave the waiting room because I had othe patients to take care of, when I heard my brother's voice calling me.

"Will, do you know if something else happend to her?"

I sighed before answering him back, the pain and the fear clear in his voice when he made that question.

"Laura showed no signs of sexual assault, if that's what you're asking."

"Yes, I just couldn't put the words together. Will you let us know when she's out of surgery?"

"Of course Jay, and you should probably change your shirt and go wash yourself, you're covered in blood. I've got some extra clothes if you need."

"Yeah, thanks. I held her on my arms all the way until we got here, you can't let her die, Will."

"It's not in my hands anymore buddy, all we can do is wait."


AN.: Thank you for all the votes and comments, I hope you enjoyed the chapter:)

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