Chapter 4: The Point of no Return

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Laura's POV

I couldn't even believe in what I had just done, helping the police arresting my dad would be my death sentence if he'd ever found out, which he would most likely do.

"Hey, I know this is really scary but you need to trust us. We'll be watching and listenning to you all the time, Kevin and Vanessa will be in the abandoned house next to your's and me and Jay we'll be in a van parked outside of your house, so if anything happens all you need to do is ask for help and we'll come in, okay?"


"Now this is called a wire, you need to put it in a room where your father talks about his business, so that we can use it later in court to charge him. All you need to do is press the button and it'll start recording." Hailey gave me the wire, it was a little black box, my dad would certainly find it.

"And what if my dad notices it? He's paranoid about everything around him and wouldn't have a problem in hurting me! Besides he never even talks about any of his deals in front of me, he just tells me what to do." Hailey just kept looking at me and then placed a hand on my shoulder trying to calme down.

"Like I said, everything we'll be ok, you just need to trust us. Now lets get you to home before it gets to suspicious."

"He's already suspicious because the police arrested me in front of my friends!"

"Laura, I know that you're worried about this, but you need to trust us, everything's gonna be alright, I promise."

"Yeah, well my parents have always told me not to make promises I might not be able to keep."

"I always keep my promises, so when I that we'll keep you safe, it's because we will."

"You say that because you don't know how he's like."

"Who's like what? What are you talking about?"

"My dad, he gets mad about everything, even when I don't do anything. It has always been like this since my mom died, she was the only one he respected."

"I'm sorry about your mom. I don't talk about this a lot, but my dad was also a bad person. He was always beating my mom, me and my brothers too sometimes, but especially my mom. She did everything she could to protect us, but a person who wants to hurt someone else always finds a way to do it."

"You seem fine right now, like nothing ever happened."

"That's what I'm trying to tell you Laura, you're not alone. Right now, your safety is the top one priority for every cop in this team, we'll be listenning to everything and if you feel like you're in danger just say the safe word and we'll come in to help you."

"I just want to start everything over and live a normal life."

"I know you do, come here."


"Dad, I'm home" I said oppening the front door, Jay and Hailey were already in the van parked at the front.

"Were the fuck have you been?!?" He yelled at me grabbing me by my arms. "Jacob told me you got caught by the police! You've been talking to the pigs?"

He asked tightenning is grip around my arms and lifting me a little from the ground. I had already turned on the wire, so Jay and Hailey were already listenning.

"No, I mean yes, they arrested me but didn't have enough evidences to charge me so they just let me go. And no I didn't snitch on you, I never did and never will."

I answered him back stumbling in my own words.

"So they just let you go? No questions asked?"

"Yeah, I told you, they didn't have enough evidences to charge me." When I finished explainning what supposedly happen my dad slaped me in the face, leaving my cheek red and sore.

"What the fuck was that for?!?"

"You don't talk to me like that bitch! I'm not your frinds, I'm your damn father, so you're gonna show me some respect! You got that?!?"

"Yes Sir." I said almost like a whisper as a tears rolled out pf my eyes.


"Yes Sir."

"Good, I thought so, now get the hell out of here before I lose my mind with you, I need to make some calls. Amd stop crying, you're not a fucking baby anymore."

I still had tears running out of my eyes and could feel my heart pumping fast in my chest, as my father let me go and went to his room to go get his phone. 'It's now' I thought to my self.' I quickly cheked if he was still in his room, and then placed the wire under the arm chair in the living room. 'There's no coming back now.'

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