Chapter 15: I'm here for you

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Laura's POV

The annoying sound of the machines beeping echoed through my head, I slowly opened my eyes to realise I was still stuck in the same hospital room. I tryed to move my hands, but I couldn't, there was something tyed up around my wrists stopping me from moving them. Why were my hands tyed? I was fighting to get them free, until someone stopped me from doing it.

"Laura, it's okay. Calm down, no one's gonna hurt you, the doctor had to restrain you, that's all." I knew this voice, it was Hailey, she placed her soft hands on top of mine trying to calm me down.

"Take them out! I can't move!" I was desperate, the feeling of being tyed up once again made everything my dad did come back. My breathing became faster and my heart was pounding in my chest, everything he had to me flooded my mind and panick took over me.

"Help me, I can't breath!"

"Take it easy, I'm here, just squeeze my hand and take slow breaths." Hailey said exaggerating her breathing so that I could copy her.

"He's gonna hurt me again. Please don't let him get to me!" I said with tears already falling from my eyes.

"Hey look at me. He's never gonna touch you again, I'm here just forget about your father, he can't hurt you anymore." Hailey said wiping the tears of my face, she was holding my hand and I don't know why, but it was calming me down. She made me feel safe and loved, something that I hadn't felt in a while.

But then the memories of what happened during the night started to come back and I realised what I had done.

Jay, he was just trying to help and I had hurted him.

"I'm so sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for. None of this is your fault, I'm here to help you."

"No, about Jay. Last night I hurt him, I didn't mean to do it, I'm so sorry."

"I know you didn't, but Jay is okay, it's just a little bruise and no one is blaiming you."

"Can I talk to him? I want to apologize."

"Jay went home to have some rest, but he'll be back in a few hours. On the meantime I wanted to talk to you about something different." Hailey's smile was gone, she was looking seriously at me, almost scared of what she wanted to say.

"What about?"

"So Dr.Marcel suggested that you talk to a therapist, you don't need to do it, but maybe it could help you dealing with all that has happened to you."

"Hell no, I'm not crazy!" I said angry, trying to move my hands away from Hailey, failing once again because of the restrains.

"No one is saying you are, but you've been through a lot and talking to someone could help you processing all of it."

"I can deal with things on my one."

"That's the thing, you don't need to deal with things on your one anymore. There are people who care about you and we're here to help you, so just please give it a chance. If you don't like it then you don't have to do it anymore, but I think it would make you feel better."

"I'll think about it." I answered her, trying to change the subject of the conversation, not relly enjoying the topic of the conversation being my feelings.

I was used to deal with everything on my own, I had actually been doing it over the last 13 years and that's how I like it. Because everytime someone trys to help me I usually end up getting hurt.

"Thank you." Hailey said kissing my hand, she looked tired and had dark circles under her eyes, probably due to the lack of sleep or the fact that she had been sitting in a very uncomfortable and tiny chair over the last hours.

"You could go home, I'm not going anywhere and I'm sure you've got better stuff to do than waching me sleep ajd cpmplain about my life." I said while I moved a little in the bed trying to get into a more comfortable position, immediately regretting it because of the sudden pain it caused.

"I'm not going anywhere until you leave this hospital bed."

"You look exhausted and I don't want to be a burden for you, or Jay." I said looking down, too ashamed to face her.

"Hey look at me." Hailey said lifting my chin with her fingers. "You're not a burden, I've already told you, none of this is your fault and I'll be here to help you getting through it."

Hailey hugged me and we kept on talking for a little while until someone knocked on the door.

"Good moarning, how's my favourite patient doing?" I knew this person, it was Dr.Halstead, the man that had helped me when my father hit me last time. He walked into the room with a huge smile on his face holding some papers and a pen.

"I'm alright." I said trying to pretend the amount of pain I was actually in.

"Well you definitly look better than last night. Are you feeling any pain?"

"Only a little when I move."

"Well it's all looking good and I think it's time to get this out." Dr.Halstead said pointing to the restrains and then removing them.

"Thank you sir." I said trying to look polite.

"Please, call me Will. You're making me feel old."

"So, Will, when can I get out of here?" I asked him already feeling sick of being stuck in a hospital bed with people fussing over me the entire time, eventhough it had only passed one day.

"Well, if you keep improving maybe in a week, but you'll need someone to look after you for a while until you completly recover from your injuries." Will said after checking all the monitors.

"What do you mean 'to look after me for a while' ?"I asked not happy with what he said.

"You've just had a big surgery, your spleen was removed and you're stomach had to be repaired, not to mention the bone fractures and all the bruises. It's gonna take some time for you to recover from all of that. And you're also underweight, so you'll need someone to make sure you follow an healthy diet."

"No, I don't need anyone, I'm fine. You see?" I said stepping out of the bed, regretting it as soon as my feet touched the groud. I felt my legs become weak and I suddenly couldn't stand up anymore, but before I fell Will caught me and placed me again on the bed, reattaching all the wires that had been ripped out.

"Laura, you can't do this! You could have hurt yourself badly! Are you trying to spend even more time in the hospital?"

"I'm sorry." I answered him still feeling a little dizzy and out of breath, everything hurting so much more now.

"It's okay, just please don't do that ever again. I know that being stuck in the hospital is frustrating but doing stuff like this is not helping."

"I know, I won't do it again."

"There's no need to apologize, just don't push yourself too much. Give your body some time to heal and everything will go back to normal in a few weeks. I'll be back in a while to check on you again. And don't even try to get out of bed!"

"I promise I won't." Will gave me a little squeez in the leg and then left the room leaving only me and Hailey once again.

"You don't have anyone else to look after you, do you?"

"No, but it's okay I'm used to it."

"Hey, don't say that. I've already told you, I'm here now." Hailey said grabbing my hand and I just knew I was finally safe.

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