Chapter 14: Nightmares

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Hailey's POV

It was still early in the moarning when I got to the hospital, I couldn't get much sleep last night because I was waiting for Jay's text message telling me that Laura was finally awake.

Once I got there I took the elevator to the pediatric ICU floor and then walked into Laura's room seeing Jay sleeping in a chair next to Laura's bed. He was in a weird position trying to fit in the small chair, his hair was messy and he had a black eye, why the hell did he have a black eye?

Before I even had time to think about what could possibly have happened Laura started to stir in the bed, she was mumbling words that I couldn't understand, her eyes were shut tight, her small legs were shaking and kicking uncontrollably and there was sweat running down her face. I got closer to the bed and gently rubbed her legs and arms to try to wake her up to prevent her from hurting herself.

"It's ok, Laura, it's just a nightmare it's not real. Wake up kiddo!" I said while I strocked her cheeks trying to wake her up without scaring her even more.

Laura kept shaking and fighting me until she finally woke up from her nightmare, her eyes shot open and she started to hyperventilate trying to take out all of her IV's and the hospital gown covering her slim and shaking body.

"Hey, it's okay. Calm down, it was just a nightmare, you're safe now."

"M-Mãe?" She asked looking around in panick trying to understand what was going on.

"It's Hailey. You're in the hospital, remember?"

"He killed her. He killed my mom!" She said and then broke down crying.

"What? Who killed your mom? Talk to me Laura, you can tell me!"

"My dad." She said laying her head down on the pillow, already feeling exhausted.

"I'm so sorry Laura. I didn't know, I've got you now, he's gonna pay for what he did. It's okay, everything's alright now."

I sat on Laura's bed next to her, holding her hand and trying to calm her down when I noticed some blood on the sheets, so I gently lifted her hospital gown and saw a huge stiched incision that went from the top of her abdomen to the bottom, some stiches were open and there was blood coming out of the incision.

I was about to stand up to go call the doctor, but with all the commotion, Jay woke up and immediately stood up and came to my side to see what was happening.

"What's going on? I fell assleep for like 10 minuts and then I woke up with her crying and screaming again." He asked trying to push his tiredness away.

"I'll talk to you later. I need you to go get the doctor, I think she ripped some stiches open and now she's bleeding."

"On my way." Jay said while he left the room. "Can I get some help in here?" I heard him yelling in the hallway and then he came back to the room with Dr.Marcel and April following him.

"What's going on?" Dr.Marcel asked while he put some gloves on and checked the monitors atached to Laura.

"She was having a nightmare and started to move a lot, I think she ripped some stiches open or something."

"We'll see. Detective Halstead, can you give us a few minuts and wait outside please?"

"Of course, I'll be in the hallway waiting." Jay said while quickly living the room and closing the curtain and the glass door behind him.

"Okay, Laura I'm just gonna take a look at your incision."

"No, leave me alone!" She said pushing his hands away from her with her weak arms, the small action seemed to take all of her energy away.

"Laura, you're hurt let the doctor help you." I said trying to convince her.

"I don't want any more pain, I just want my mom back!"

"I won't hurt you honey, I'm just here to help, but you need to let me take a look at you. Promise me you won't fight me back?"

Laura looked at him with her eyes full of tears and then answered him back in such a low voice that sounded almost like a whisper. It hurt me to see the fearless girl I once met so weak and battered.

"It hurts when I move and breath." She said shutting her eyes tight, probably trying to relieve all the pain she was in.

"I can fix that."

Dr.Marcel worked quickly and before he was even finished Laura was already asleep due to all the medication she was taking.

"She's good for now, all the damage was just superficial, but these nightmares have been happening quite often, I'm worried she'll hurt herself badly next time she has one."

"Quite often? This has happened before?"

"It's the third Laura has had since she woke up from surgery. Detective Halstead was here the entire time when that happen and I discussed with him the possibility of restraining Laura while she sleeps until she overcomes the traumatic experience she went trough. She has just had a big surgery and her body is still weak, having Laura moving around and panicking isn't helping her recovery."

"I understand, but restraining her? It seems kind of extreme. Can't you do something else?"

"Seeing a psychologist could also help, so when she's feeling stronger Dr.Charles could have a little talk with her. But for now, restraining Laura while she sleeps is the best option we have to prevent her from hurting herself."

"If it helps Laura, do it. I just don't know if she'll accept the shrink idea very well, talking about her feelings isn't her favourite thing to do."

"It's always like that at the beginning, but it might help her getting trough this. I'm gonna put the restrains on her wrists while she's still sleeping, when she wakes up and is calm enough you can call a nurse to take them out."

"Okay, thank you."

"No need to thank me, it's just my job. I'm gonna tell Detective Halstead to come in, if that's alright."

"Yes, please." I said still trying to process everything that was going on.

I sat back down in the chair next to Laura's bed and started clean the sweat from her face and arms using a washcloth. Jay silently walked back in the room, closing the door behind him and then went to seat next to me in the chair, trying not to make any noise that could possibly wake up Laura.

"Hey." He said with a smile on his face.

"Hey." I answered him back. "So what happen to your eye?"

"Laura was having a nightmare and one thing let to the other. It's not a big deal, just a little bruise, but she sure has a lot of strength. Anyways, How was your night?"

"Alright, couldn't sleep much tho."

"Me neither." He said while he yawned, the weariness clear in his face.

"You should go home. Get some sleep and a shower. I'll stay here with her."

"Yeah, I think I will, but I'll be back with lunch for you."

"My man!"

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